Chapter 7: The Encounter

Charles Debrun's POV

I have kissed Kiara again and this time, there was a spectator. I don't think that we would be gaining attention from this cold fellow put it seems that he was interested to make acquaintance with us.

"Sorry, I did not mean to intrude you guys," he said as he was rubbing his neck. I can see that he was discomfort with our kissing that he just ruined.

"No offense, sir. We should be a disgrace. It was not supposed to be like this in public," I said as I was hiding Kiara behind my body. I don't want him to see Kiara's arousal face at all.

Not at once in her life that I would anyone see it.

"Well, I think I should get going now. Enjoy the rest of your night," he said as he went inside his suite. I was staring at his retreating figure before Kiara was huffing behind me.