Chapter 8: The Truce

Kiara Hoffman's POV

The next morning, Charles has come to the room to get me so that we can get breakfast together. If I was not holding something for him, I might think that he was sweet. But he was far from it as I know he was keeping something from me as well.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked as we were looking at the menu right now, in the restaurant of the hotel. It was very expensive, yes, but I think we got that covered. As far as I'm concerned, Boss got us covered for the whole mission and his funds were endless.

"Hmm, I don't know. I never had Finnish breakfast before," I said as I was looking at the different names of the breakfast menu. I think I might be getting sick if I order something that I was not familiar with.

"Then, what do you want?" He asked as I can sense he was putting the menu down. I put it down as well before I turned to look at that hazel eyes. It seems cold today as I can sense it was from our fight last night.