Chapter 23: Still Alive

Chris Virtanen's POV

"NO!" I shouted as I just looked around. Kiara and Charles were not out. I don't know what happened as I was sitting there, in front of the burning building. The response team has been efficient as I was breathing hard.

"Chris," Sophia said as she was touching my shoulders. I jerked away from her touch as if it burned me.

"Chris, it's not your fault," she said as I was shaking my head.

"It's always mine. It will always be my fault. I'm sorry," I said before I was running away from the scene. I don't think I can face anyone anymore. I need to get out of here. I don't want to risk Sophia in a bad way.

I was a curse.

"Chris! Stop!" She shouted as I can hear that she was coming after me. I took a turn as I have been practicing. She did not know about my past and I will not let her into danger ever again.

Even the danger was me.

Charles Debrun's POV