Chapter 22: The Battle

Kiara Hoffman's POV

After that little discussion that we have at the lab, I saw Charles was not himself. He was distanced from everyone else as we agreed to meet at the building that Fenn Remes will meet with his investor. I hoped we still have time to put a stop to it.

"Charles?" I asked him as he was looking out the window of the cafe that we were sitting in. I have put on my disguise as I colored my hair black and I wore brown contact. Charles has changed his hair as well to make it browner that his black silken hair. He also wore black contact.

"I don't think this will be easy," he mumbled as he took my hand and kissed it. My heart bloomed at the gesture as if he was afraid for me. Afraid to lose me again.

"Hey, look at me," I said as I was caressing his cheek. He turned to look at me. His brunette hair and black eyes. Well, this was not the same Charles Debrun that I used to now.