God’s Wish!


: Real-time strategy game

Real-time strategy can be defined as a sub-genre of strategy video games, in which the game does not progress in turns.

The opposite of it would be: turn-based strategy games. Here all players take turns when playing.

It is of the highest importance in games such as this; to have good control and strategic-view over your followers, enemies and churches. To see all opportunities that might help expand your influence under the gods and the mainland

"Is this what I truly want to create?", Nei looked at the now black filled space on the screen, murmuring to himself.

He had decided on this genre for his first game. Why had he chosen such difficult genre? Why not an easy to imagine shooter or action game?..

For Nei it felt like a waste using such a precious opportunity on only producing a third class video game. He wanted more! Having the world of games in his hands in the form of the 'Gaming Studio System', should he really create a game that he wasn't satisfied with? A game like any other before?.. Something that critics and players are long sick of?..

No! He resolved himself not to; Nei choose to build something that had never existed before, a masterpiece. Talked about centuries from now. A game like none before, where even after years of the initial release the players would come back and reminisce the old times.

A deep flash of determination went past his deep ocean like eyes. "A game of Gods! Identical to the 'simulation' theory—I will create it. A game, where the player is more than a mere human: a God.. a true God!"

At that moment, Nei moved his hands with lighting fast speed over the keyboard; he was looking more like a crazed scientist than a god in his inspiration.

: Most worlds have many stories about past myths and legends. However with the passing of time, all these are getting slowly forgotten—'But don't misunderstand! Forgotten doesn't mean that it never occurred. Because all of them; stories about the gods, demons, angels, and legends did in fact take place!'

You thought the church were charlatans, misleading us all? Witches, mages and warriors just fantasy's? Well I disagree, they're quite real. At least in a far.. far.. far away plane, a realm that goes by the name Parugyas!

: As a newly promoted god you still have to prove yourself to the olden gods. Spread your faith on the mainland of Parugyas! Recruit loyal Clerics! Build imposing churches! Fight the evil of the world or become the evil! Strengthen your godhood!

And be prepared, hidden powers have creeped into the realm. ~Hidden easter egg: transcending godhood results in the unlocking of the outlander faction~

: A random character creation system is in place—to make every new game round as memorable and special as possible.

: Designed beforehand, essential character parts stay unchanged—minor changes/adjustments in every new game round.


Race: Classification of life into groups based on physical traits, ancestry, genetics or social relations

Godhood: The state or quality of being a god(achievement of becoming a god)

Divinity: The law/s of a god—his authority(can be shared with his followers, to strengthen them)

Divine kingdom: The kingdom of a god, it's the space were the spirits of dead followers come. It is influenced by godhood rank and divinity(outside of the main plane)

Title: The distinguishing name of a being in power(followers can call this name to get their gods attention)

Alignment: The political, personality bias of a being(chaotic, neutral, good, evil)

Past story: Experiences that made the character into who he is.

Special abilities: An uncommon or to the being unique—skill



Reading through what he wrote, Nei became impatient. He wanted to play the already incredible sounding video game, "A little bit more, with only this much it won't even be enough for an outline.."

Using his intellect, at its highest capacity; Nei thought. 'I still need to describe the gameplay in greater detail. Besides I have to decide on the confines of reality; like the 'simulation' theory—I want to make the residents of the world believe that they're real! But for that I need to have a highly intelligent AI... hmn.'

Scratching the backside of his head, he rambled. "What if I give the System some freedom for interpretation, and just see what it will come up with before adding more. Anyway, I can always change and improve things afterwards. But before that let's add one last thing."

: A never before intelligent AI is used for governing the word. Individual subjects will get separate AI.

[Please remember that earth's pc capabilities are limited.]

"Ah..", listening to the Systems words, Nei knew exactly what it was talking about. "Then let's add a small limiter maybe?"

: The game settings are adjustable—From higher to lower-settings, or the other way around(a reasonable limit is set for all settings. Mainly earth's technology is used as the standard).

"This should be enough, let's try and test it! I can't wait anymore!" Satisfied with his creation, Nei moved his cursor to the the green test box, that had test written in its middle.


< God mode? || Player mode? >

"That's a practical option. Let me consider both first..", god mode would help him check if everything in the world was working seamlessly in the way he imagined it to be; while player mode would help find unnatural things in the character creation process, gameplay or story mode. "What a difficult choice.. I have to go through both anyway, why can't I decide even this? Let's just go with the first option; God mode!"

At the moment the last syllable left his mouth, a window that spanned over the whole screen opened. It was starting to play a video. Seeing the game intro begin Nei became excited—till the moment he saw that it wasn't an introduction animation of the game, but it's publishing company; his company.

"Oh no.."

The video showed a white bowl filled to the brim with delicious hot ramen, who was flying through the endless dark universe, looking alike to a falling star, and perfectly landing on a brown wooden board.

Sitting completely still and silent in his seat, Nei had really no idea on how to react.. should he cough up blood? Vomit the ramen he had eaten in the morning? Curse the Systems last hundred generations?..

What could he do? I tell you nothing! Nothing but accept his poor fate; yet if he had, at that point known that he would soon be called 'The Ramen God Nei', who knows what he would have done.

"Calm.. calm.. it was just a mistake.. accept it! Embrace it! Let it go!.."

After the embarrassing advertisement about his company ended, the intro of the 'God's wish' finally began, showing breathtaking image on the screen.

A region in the depths of nothingness, far away from the mainland of endless races. Here was the 'God court', a region were gods and goddesses gathered to discuss and decide—affairs and politics. The place looked like a flat disc hovering through the darkness. In the middle of it stood an ancient shrine, with a three dimensional miniature map of Parugyas on it. Surrounding it were many different thrones, distinguishable only by section and hight. The whole picture had a feeling of otherworldly holiness to it.

Looking at the illustration, Nei almost choked, almost believing it to be real. "Wow.. this is more than incredible.."

Astonished at what he was seeing, he couldn't even avert his eyes from the beautiful picture.

[Host can choose to activate the mind 'connect option'. If host does, host will have a similar experience to VR, only much more realistic—Besides this, host can also carry out improvements or changes while inspection; with only a thought.]

Hearing the voice of the System in his head, Nei was started. "What? I can even do things like that? What else are you hiding!"

[System is hiding nothing, host is at fault for not asking or not having enough authority.]

"Don't you dare ever mention that stupid authority system before me again!" Nei wasn't often agitated, but hearing about the most stupid 'Authority', he was seething with irritation.

"...Yes, enable the mind connect option." Nei said, while swallowing his anger.

[Initializing game-host connection.]

[Countdown: 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. *shuu*]



This picture is similar to what I thought about while writing the Gods court scene.
