KM Micado Platform

Looking at the interface, Nei almost slipped of the ground. He was that shocked by its revelations.

What the hell?! Why didn't the System tell him about this new quest? Or that he didn't just have to finish the game, but even publish it till the deadline in 1.5 days!

'System come here, I know you're listening! Why didn't you inform me? I won't bulge, till you gave me a good enough reason to forgive you!' Nei angrily shouted in his mind, while trying to get his balance back from slipping on the wet ground.

[The System informed host about the new quest the moment it was generated. The host is at fault for not checking the quest tasks–sub tasks. Please refrain from accusing the System wrongfully! Or punishment has to be given!]

"When?! I don't remember hearing anything about a new quest! And i didn't even know something like that existed! Quest tasks–sub task, why do you have to come up with such irritating, not at all easy to understand design?!" Nei shouted out loud, while furiously stamping his right foot onto the wet ground, splashing some rain water left and right.

How did he still have enough time to publish the video game? Maybe it would have been fine, if he could just upload and sell it on stream. But now he had to build his own publishing site?! And he only had what?.. 1.5 days!

He understood the Systems idea, building your own site, to upload and sell your own games—it was definitely a smart choice. And he would have happily obliged, especially so as an aspiring Game Studio boss. However, why did he have to do it in only 1.5 days—only 1 day if you considers his decision to take a break for the day.

[The quest appeared at exactly: Yesterday, 4:57 AM.]

Hearing the Systems explanation, Nei's head slowly heated up. He knew that the System was intentionally teasing him, but he couldn't help feeling frustrated.

Of course I was sleeping at 4:57AM, yesterday! Do you want me dead of an heart attack, System?

Repeatedly cursing, sometimes in his head, sometimes loudly; he angrily marched through the streets of his near neighborhood, with his thoughts already concentrated on creating an outline for the app.

So of course he didn't notice,the many eyes, looking disdainful at him, as if he was crazy; whenever he cursed, yet another time out loudly.


Finishing his jogg, Nei finally returned to his single apartment room.

He was feeling much more refreshed and fit, after he walked the streets and breathed the towns clean ocean air.

So much so, that he didn't feel the need to postpone his tasks any longer. But in the end he restrained himself.

"Even though I feel and look a little better, it doesn't mean I am in perfect condition. Let's follow the plan: relax, eat healthy and go to bed early. Besides, I can still think about how I want to design the app, which will help,in starting work faster tomorrow."

Thinking till here, Nei creepily smiled to himself, somehow feeling proud of his seemingly increased intelligence.

The next hours till noon, Nei spend, doing some workouts, making healthy food, contemplating about the app, and finally; going to bed early, to have enough energy for the next days important task.

Of course, before that he changed his alarm settings; he wasn't yet stupid to the point of forgetting his alarm clock once again.



The next morning came soon, this time being much more energetic, Nei instantly jumped out of his bead. He washed himself, and ate in a never before seen speed. Before slowly falling into his, already with pillows stuffed seat to start working.

Looking at the before him standing table, with the magical laptop on top, Nei took a deep breath and turned it on. "Let's do this!"

The familiar screen turned bright, still showing the same three app symbols as before: Endlessweb, Dream Studio, and KM overview.

Nei hadn't bothered to open Endlessweb and KM overview yet, not because he forgot, or was lazy. But more importantly, because he remembered the Systems words.

Endlessweb, was still a normal internet explorer, till the System decided to unlock it for other regions in the universe. So Nei didn't really bother looking through it yet, he could just use his phone.

The other was KM overview. This one had a more obvious reason, for Nei to delay checking it out. He didn't yet publish any games, so he was sure, that there wasn't really anyone who could know about his little company, which would make the app useless, as there was no data to feed it.

And of course the most important reason was, he didn't have the time—while playing with the Dream Studio app. It was just too addicting to stopp!

Waving the two unloved apps a last time goodbye, he turned his back on them, once again opening Dream Studio.

He had work to do, he couldn't waste his time right now. He knew they would understand and forgive him one day!

As the app opened the interface, that he already knew how to use appeared. "No time to lose, let's make this app awesome! Valv, better be prepared!"

: Website/App to upload, download - sell, and buy games. Etc.

It is defined, as a place, where games can't only be sold by interested party's, but also bought and download by consumers.

The whole buying and selling process of KM shop, is conducted only over the internet, per its app or website. The shop forbids any party, the selling of hard copy games, over the website or app, only if explicitly stated otherwise, may the party do so.

KM won't take any responsibility, for damages occurring to potential customers in this way. Because of its nature of being, a platform for online downloading games….

"Well, this should be good enough for the System, to fill in all legal gaps that need to be filled.." Working on the legal rule-work of the game, for more than 1 hour, Nei had enough—reading through the definition one last time, to make sure that he didn't miss the big picture of the apps legal side; Nei went on to the next step, of opening his own publishing platform. "I can't wait to see my vision become reality!.."



Micado, will let you test for free, all of its published games, for 5% of the games predicted game time.

After buying a game, and you find out, that you dislike it. You have the option, if you didn't go over 10% predicted game time, to trade your game for a different game.

A leveling system will be in place, the more games you buy, and the more game time you have. The more Kiro points you can earn. Kiro point, can be used for beautifying your personal account page. Get discounts for games. Etc.

A forum, to build a thriving community. And also give players to communicate with devs. A voting system is in place, to decide on new forum categories. This voting system is also used to decide on, which game gets discounted, beginner developer prices, etc.

A chat system, build similar to dicord. To communicate with friends, or just newly met players.

A platform to create games themselves, or mod them.



The design will be held in the company colors of KM. The desktop symbol of the app, will be the company logo.

Design will be held simple, clean, and efficient.

Designs are self adjustable by users. Modding is also possible.


Players finder. A function that helps you find players like yourself, that are searching for new friends to play an specific game with.

