

"This sounds good to me, what do you think, System?" Nei asked, while absorbedly starting at the screen.

[System doesn't have any opinions. Especially so, for imperfect things, such as this app.]

"Good, good." Nei wasn't at all listening, and so the Systems poor evaluation, didn't bother him. "Hmn, something is missing. I just can't put my finger on what exactly. Everything looks fine this far, just.. it's too boring, isn't it?"

Scanning through the lines of text, he had written, Nei searched for something revolutionary, he could add. Something futuristic, that was only possible for him to achieve. Something that would bring customers running on mass to his app. The only problem was, he didn't have an idea, of what that could be.

'This cannot continue on, let's take a small break. Seems like even I have a writers block sometimes.' Rolling his eyes, Nei stood up and walked through his room. From on side to the other. Repeatedly, only in a straight line.

"With no ideas I can't write. With stress, I will only block my level of creativity more! Why not do something else first?I could start doing the other tasks, or" Looking back at the, on the table standing, laptop. Nei had an idea of what he wanted to do, 'Why not look through the other two apps?' was what he wanted to do.

Ending his, straight lining marathon, Nei sat back down, on the, by him comfortably prepared chair, and breathed out full of hardship. "They better have some surprises, and don't waste my time." Murmuring to himself, Nei minimized the Dream Studio screen window, and moved the cursor to the two, by him till now, stil untouched app icons.

But first, he had to decide, which to start exploring. Endlessweb, or MK overview. Of course the answer to this, wasn't something difficult to solve, even coming quite easily to him.

I mean, who would even look at company data, if they had the chance, to explore the endless cyber world, even if it was only reddit in the end. It would still be better, than data...

"Endlessweb, it is." Double clicking on the icon, a browser opened on the screen.

It looked like any other browser, for Nei. It had a blank field, with the words 'search' inside of them, where you could type, whatever you wanted to find, and then you pressed enter to start the search. All in all, a perfectly normal mechanism.

And if it weren't a fact that the designer of Endlessweb, was the evil System.. Nei might have even believed, that this was all. But sadly, it was the System who designed it, and.. that wasn't all.

Every logo, every button, every designing option, had one thing in common. They were all designed after things, that had to do with nothing else, but ramen. A move by the System, deliberately planned, to bring Nei to the brink of insanity.

"AAHHH! Noo! Why? Please no, how can I even understand the buttons meanings?!" Agony filled, Nei screamed at the top of his lungs.


"What in the name of Jesus? Showing me stupid points? Did you become deaf?!" Speechlessly, Nei shouted through his room, once more.

[.....] But the only reply he got, was a somehow longer row of periods, and silence.

With a calm, but scary undertone, Nei slowly started speaking once again. "Y-o-u i-g-n-o-r-e m-e ?.. Why in god's name do you ignore me?! Answer me, System! It's your duty, to answer your hosts questions! I will take this to the 'Host&System court' if I have! Don't you dare think, I forgot about the PDF, with my rights on it as an System owner!"

When Nei started threatening it, with the universal System court, the System finally had no choice but to give a reply.

[System should go to court and apply for new host, as host is ignoring Systems witty remarks.]

"WHAT? What in the ramen bowl do you mean?" Nei was honestly confused, what was the System playing at? Why was it angry.

Suddenly, everything around Nei became dark, till the next moment, when a screen appeared, before his eyes, out from the centers darkness.

[Please watch, and notice your, to the System, respectless behavior!]

With this as the Systems last words, a video started playing on the screen. It was a clip of Nei. In it he was concentrated sitting at his desk, reading through his writings. Suddenly a voice was heard, it was Nei's own.


This *mean*sounds good to*evil* me, what do you think*uncocial*, System?

*witty*System doesn't have*smart* any opinions. Especially *cool*so, for imperfect things, *nice*such as this app.

Good,*hate* good.

Hmn, something is*bad* missing. I just can't put my finger on what. Everything looks fine this *bastard*far, just.. it's too normal, *lonely*isn't it?



Mouth gaping wide open, Nei found himself back in reality. What had he just seen? A scene where he ignored, the hurtful words of the System? And there were background voices too, badly mixed into the video, that praised the System and cursed him.. did I get a faulty System? A sociopath one? Should I fear for my life, is it too late to run?

[You can't run. Please refrain to see System in bad light. Also be reminded that the System can read hosts mind at every moment.]

Was that a warning? A threat? Fuck.. am I a hostage?! Calm.. calm, pretend do know nothing, go with the flow.

[Should System ignore host ignorance?]

'Shit.. seems like I have to keep it. This feels like the time, I was forced to take care of that dog, my small sister wanted..'


"Ok, ok! Sorry! Is that enough? Are you happy? Now change the stupidity of Endlessweb, into normal System stupidity. Ah, and before you say something like, 'Please refrain from cursing the System, this is the last warning!' let me tell you that I wasn't talking to you, that's just how I rank things." Nei said, with a smug winners grin on his face.

The next moment, the browser website, automatically refreshed, showing still an amazingly big amount of ramen themed icons, but at least they had descriptions now, and could be understood.

"System is there anything special about the browser of yours compared to, for example to gogle?"

[Yes, of course there is. Endlessweb can access all information, ever uploaded to the internet. It doesn't matter, if it's secret files, deleted files, or other inaccessible things on the internet, with Endlessweb you can access all of earths internet secrets!]

Not expecting at all, such a grand use for it, Nei became slightly embarrassed. If it wouldn't be for his writer's block, he probably wouldn't even have looked at the app a second time. "That's.. well.. amazing, isn't it?"

[Of course it is, and degenerate host thought it was useless.]

Not expecting such a sharp reply, Nei growled under his breath. "That's because you wrote in the interface that it was locked to earth! How can I know, that that means all of the internet.."
