Finishing Touch

[Host current talent level: 1 level, with level 5 beige the highest]

Disappointed by the reality of things, Nei cried out sadly. "Oh, why? Why am I untalented? Am I destined to be weak?"

[Host can increase own strength with the Systems help]

Rekindling his excitement, Nei asked. "How? Tell me fast, come on System!"

However, the System's answer was nothing short of a disappointment.

[Host doesn't have enough authority]

Looking up from the computer screen, out into the dark night sky through his window, Nei lamented his fate.

But he couldn't continue to be sad, he had to build a game! He didn't have long anymore before the quest time reached its limit.

Continuously looking through the websites, Nei learned many things about magic. For example, he found out that there were other classes expect mages too.

There were: Warriors, Gene manipulated humans and monster or awakened ones and so so much more things that he couldn't understand.

But what really interested him was the mentioning of awakenings. Because of the description of them, that said that even the most talentless of humans had their own talent deeply hidden inside of themselves. Or in other words, their potential.

But what stopped him from feeling too happy, was the requirement to awaken your talent.

-Requirement: A higher energy injection-

Higher power injection… Where was he to find something like that! He didn't even know what it meant!

[Host has the chance to win a random item in the fortune wheel! The winning price is what you most desire… Mostly!]

"At the very least there is a chance… " Still somehow disappointed that there were no ways to instantly raise his strength, Nei stopped playing around with the Endlessweb explorer and went back to the more urgent and important task.

Building the app that will be the platform to publish his first game 'Gods Wish' soon.

But he still hadn't gotten any new ideas or inspiration yet, however, time was waiting for no one. Not even for the main character.

"No helping it, I have to go with what I have… Let's see the test version!" Declaring loudly, Nei clicked with furious power onto the computer mouse opening the Dream Studio window once again.

The white space that appeared before him, was the same as he remembered and left it.

He had already finished writing the Category descriptions, the synopsis, he had even decided on the apps name and finished the outline for his legal rights as the owner.

Besides this, he also decided on what functions will be included in the final version. Things like a forum, chat System or a never before seen cool levelling system.

"This should be fine. The designs description is easy to understand too, so the program shouldn't to something too crazy. But… The -other- section, it's not enough!" Rubbing his temple, Nei felt a headache.

Why couldn't he think about more cool things?! Ahh! That's when a sudden surge of intelligence streamed into him.

Isn't it the program that is doing all the execution work? Why didn't he think about this sooner!

Typing on his laptops keyboard, a new line of text appeared in the category -Other-

...A really cool thing, that will impress every user!...

With the appearance of the last letter, a distant sound of thunder appeared. It's meaning mysteriously understood by anyone hearing it.

..Are you really this stupid?

As if the wind was bringing the message of the Holy truth!

However, when Nei heard this message, he knew it wasn't some noble God, but the stupid System that was pestering him once again.

"I don't need your sarcasm System!" Being proud, Nei pushed onto the green testing button at the top of the window, expecting a fantastic education of his ideas.

Excited, to explore the apps test vision, something totally unexpected happened.

-error! please try again *cough* idiot… -

Defeated! Nei shook his head in shame and began deleting the part that was causing the error, clicked once again on the same button.

But not before silently muttering under his breath. "There are bugs even in the best programmers code… not my fault! "

To everyone's surprise, this time it worked properly and a window appeared before him.

It was KM Micado's future publishing app!

And it was beautiful! Imposing! Grand!

The only thing was, there were no games as of yet expect 'Gods Wish', no forum post, no ratings, no players with who you could connect… Nothing, it was an empty shell of an app!

"Shit, how am I gonna test this?!" Nei cursed his luck, "Why didn't I think about a beta test! Well, of course, because I don't have the damn time… " throwing his middle finger up in the air, he slammed back into his chair.

Accepting fate, Nei went only shortly through the app and closed it, with one remaining hope 'I can just bring updates later'.

Seeing that it was already getting late and not wanting to become a zombie once again, Nei started thinking of how to publish the app and game, when a message appeared before his eyes.

Mission: (4) Publishing the game -finished-

Mission: (Starting with a big bang) -finished- reward: 1 Fortune Draw

Seeing the message before his eyes, Nei was overcome with happiness. Finally, he could take it a little bit slower.

"I want to use the Fortune Draw!" Nei said, in a somehow nervous tone.

Would I really get something good? PAH! The System is anyway going to put me. Better to rip the bandage off than to slowly suffer.

The next second, a wheel appeared before Nei's eyes. Imagining his hand to grip the wheel, he pulled it.

On the wheel, nothing was seen, except red and blue fields with the blue one taking over only a tiny part of the whole wheel.

Looking at the constantly spinning round disk, Nei couldn't help himself but close his eyes and pray.

When he heard the sound of the draw stop, Nei opened his eyes and was surprised to find out he had gotten the blue field!

"Hahaha! I won! I won!.."

[The blue field is the losing field. Please try again soon!"]