Elijah's POV

The first time I laid eyes on her, I knew I was a goner.

It was 5 years ago when I first encountered her. I had been hiding away from my royal bodyguards. After receiving a death threat on my 21st birthday my parents had doubled the amount of my bodyguards and I had basically been on house arrest for over a month. Tired of them bugging me about my safety, royal duties and whatnot, my butler Vincent, more like my best buddy had finally agreed to help me escape through the backdoor.

I had disguised myself into some very questionable clothes and escaped towards the city. At-least the paparazzi weren't able to identify me.

That was the day when I met her. While running in the alleyway of the shops, someone had crashed into me and toppled over. I offered her my hands but she had rejected me before wailing:

"You made me drop my Cake! I worked hard to pay for that!"

she had pouted while glaring, looking even more cute.

I didn't hear what else she said as I was too busy admiring her. She had long wavy hair, big doll - like eyes where anyone could easily get lost in….

"How rude! uhhh"

She stood up and brushed off the dirt off her white summer dress before waving her hands over my face.

"Sorry about that, let me buy you a new one."

She had gazed at me from head to toe a couple of times at my statement before saying "you look hungry, Mr."

She had dragged me towards the nearest bakery shop and ordered two slices of vanilla cake. She gave me one and ate one herself.

"Why Don't you take off your face mask and sunglasses, there is no dust nor sunlight here" she had commented but I had kindly refused her back then. Would it have been different now if I revealed my face to her then.

"I don't want to show you my ugly face." She let go of it not digging any further and finished off her slice of cake.

"It's my 18th birthday today," she had said looking down.

After wishing her I had asked her why she wasn't celebrating with her friends.

"It's my sister's Birthday, she's turning 18 aswell so all my friends went to celebrate with her. I..I...didn't go because there weren't any car seats left."

Her sullen look had given me a sense of becoming her protector. I could tell she was experienced at hiding her emotions but no to someone like me. I was born to read people around me.

I still remember that look on her face. She had looked broken and dejected. To cheer her up I asked one of the workers for one candle and asked her to make a wish.

"Your very kind, Mr. Thank you."

She spoke before blowing out the candle and looked a bit more lively. I loved that look of hers.

Ting! Just at that moment I received a text from Vincent:

"Prince Elijah, come outside. We've been found out, I'm waiting for you in your car. Hurry!!."

Just as I had tried standing up while excusing myself, she had put forth her hand and grabbed mine.

"You're not allowed to go anywhere before finishing your slice of cake, that cost me money!."

Which had made me laugh a little and sat down to finish my slice, Vincent could wait.

"Don't go anywhere without finishing your slice, I've got to go now." She had said while looking down at her watch.

"You made me stay but you're leaving?"

"I'm sure we'll meet again some day. Bye."

"I didn't catch your name…"

Till then she had already run off but I had been foolishly confident back then.

It was the day that I'd never forget. The day that brought me to life but also wrecked part of my world. One thing I am sure of is that "Hayley Sertori" had definitely saved my life back then.

By the time I went outside Vincent had already left with my car and in its place stood a black limo, catching all the passerby's attention. I had texted Vincent multiple times but it was until later that day when I received the dreadful news. My car had been fitted with time - bomb and it exploded, taking Vincent along.

I invested my time on finding the culprit and I did, it was my very own 2nd Uncle who was trying to get rid of me. I showed him no mercy, hanged him to death and disowned his side of the family from our royal family.

After avenging my friend, I looked everywhere for my unintentional saviour.

But she had disappeared. Vanished into thin air.

That's until a few weeks ago, she herself showed up in front of me.

I had been hiding behind the glasses during the first interviews when she walked in. When I saw her I had already decided she'll be my personal assistant. The girl I had been looking for, for half a decade was so close to my grasp.

The other six more interviews and candidates were just formalities and I didn't want to scare her off by getting this job so easily. Something told me she was the kind of girl who didn't enjoy free things. My type.

Her looks of-course were not the only factor. Her answers were so profound and she had the quality of exactly what I needed. Professionalism.

But deep down I knew that was not the only thing I wanted.

Since the first time I saw her, I wanted something more.

Hayley Sertori, the first girl to ever make my heart pound, the first to ever refuse me and the first to save me, that was the moment I decided.

I wanted her.

Over the five years she had become a lot more attractive.

Her innocent charm from five years ago had turned into something more mature and appealing.

Seeing her in my office today was everything I needed, everything I have been longing for and this time she's staying.

Her perfect long waves, her perfect curves, the way she walks when she's nervous, the way she pretends to be unaffected and her decent demeanor had already captured my heart unintentionally.

But mostly, her gorgeous round doll-like eyes, which spoke volumes to me. It hid pain and suffering.

I remembered her look from five years ago, she used to smile with her eyes. What had she suffered till now.

Seeing her made me want to protect her, want to hold her so I would never see those sad eyes of hers. Ever again.

When she tried to leave me again today, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind, breaking off my character. I do regret asking her to become my mistress and that $100,000 kiss but her answer was exactly what I had expected.

She really is the right one.

The other three girls had accepted immediately and even attempted to flirt, filling me with disgust.

Robert truly is a brilliant butler after Vincent, it was his idea that I ask the girls and it did work.

Money and power always shows one's character, even family becomes insignificant but I'm convinced Hayley is different. She's the only other person I can confidently say is honest.

This time I'll make her stay….