Supportive friends...

"Ahh! Good thinking babes!" Smith's all frontal teerh showing up in happiness, where as Austin chuckled looking at the grinning man.

"Sooo! What say? Want to meet me right now, in my hotel? I am kind of bored right now! Later I will get busy with the meet." The seductive voice of the girl echoed in the car.

"Right now?" Smith asked in surprise.

"Oh! Looks like you are busy! Never mind! I understand!" The girl spoke in a sad tone.

Austin slapped the man on his shoulder and gave him a thumbs up sign and then pointing his finger towards the phone , signalling him to not refuse the girl.

"Oh! It's ok! Anyways I am done with my meeting. Tell me your hotel name and address! I will be there." Smith grinned, looking at Austin.

"Oh! Wow! It is room no. 1701, in Hotel Clarke plaza!" The girl replied happily.

"Great! I am not much far from the hotel. I'll see you in thirty minutes!" Smith hung up the call, taking a U-turn, immediately.

"Dude! Why were you refusing the girl in the first place, when you like her so much?" Austin asked in surprise.

"Because, I was with you bro!" Smith gaped at the boy, as if stating the obvious fact.

"It's ok! Look I don't want to come in the way of your action! Ok! You stop the car at the hotel and i'll take back this car to my office. Meanwhile, my driver will already be waiting for you in the parking! Take as much time as you want!" Austin smiled, patting the man's shoulder.

"Ohh!!! I love you my best friend!!! You are the best!!" Smith smiled looking at Austin, almost hugging him.

"I know that already!! I'll see you directly in my office then! Ok!" Austin rolled his eyes at the boy, feeling embarrased from Smith's sudden outburt of love for him.