The sad boy..

"Cool! I just need to stop by in a medical shop first!" Smith winked and halted the car, in front of a medical shop and got off from the car.

Austin sighed, onve again thinking about the girl with dark curly hair. At times he wished he could be as carefree and outgoing as his best friend, rather than just thinking about a single girl every night.

Smith came back in just a few seconds and switched on the ignition. " Now I am all set to go!" He winked looking at Austin.

"How can you be so sure that girl will be ready to do anything with you?" Austin frowned looking at the chocolate and strawberry flavoured condom packets.

"Well my guts are 99% true. Also, your brother is charming as hell, to resist!" Smith halted the car outside the hotel gate and got out excitedly. "I'll see you in a few hours in your office."

"Ok bro!" Austin shifted to the driver's seat and drove off towards his office.

Few hours later....

Austin was reading few files in his office, when somebody came inside his office without knocking! Austin already knew that it was Smith, as nobody else could dare to come to his office in this manner.

Smith sprinted inside Austin's office and sat down on the couch, with a gloomy face.

Austin looked up and smiled. "What happened dude? Did the condom tore off again?"

"Shut up!" Smith frowned looking at Austin.

"Then what happened? I did not expect this reaction at all! Are you pregnant?" Austin chuckled, closing the file placed in front of him.

"Shut up Austin! We could not do anything at all!" Smith groaned in disgust.

"Huh? Why?"

"The girl was in such a sexy dress. I could easily see half of her boobs. Her dress was so short, as if she was simply inviting me to give her a good fuck!"