The doctor...

An elderly bald doctor of about 55 years of age, appeared in the court-room standing inside the wooden box, immediately.

"Hello Dr. Mathews!" Austin greeted the doctor.

"Hello!" The doctor replied.

"Sir, if you could please tell to our respected magistrate, what exactly is Miss Elly's psychological problem!"

The doctor turned to look at the magistrate. "Your honour, the poor girl is suffering from severe depression and suicidal tendencies. She cones frim a disturbed family, where her father used to beat her mother. Elly has been my patient from past two years and I feel really sorry for the girl. She often has had various self inflicted marks on her body in these twk years! Once she even attempted to cut her wrist. I have been giving her anti-depressants, which is helping her a little, but not much!"

Austin handed over the doctor's reciepts to the magistrate. The magistrate carefully studied the prescribed medicines and therapies in the pages.

"Thank you doctor!" Austin smiled at the doctor and the doctor stepped down from the wooden box and sat on a nearby bench.

Austin smirked as he knew, he was now on the verge of winning another case, in his record list. Smith who was sitting at the far end was also happily grinning, looking at his best friend. The magistrate noted down certain points and looked again at Linda. "Does the plaintiff, has anything left to say?"

Linda for the first time, looked at Austin and stood up, in nervouseness.