The last resort....

Austin gave a warm smile to Linda as the girl looked at her ex-boss. There was an unspoken conversation between the two of them, each one looking at the other conveying certain thoughts!

Austin: It's just my profession baby! But I still adore you! Never mind my silly lies! I still love you.

Linda: Pardon me! My lord! For what I am going to do now, will not just offend you, but it might make you want to kill me instantly.

Linda then turned to look at her team and nodded. She looked at them, as if telling her team, that they now had no other choice, but to use the final resort.

Linda then looked at the magistrate and came forwards. "Your honour, certain things are not really in our hands, when our opposition client is so wealthy and powerful. But nevertheless, the fate always favours only the truth!"

Magistrate looked at Linda in confusion. "What is your point Linda?"

Linda gulped looking at Austin again. "Your honour as we all know, the plaintiff's lawyer is Mr. Austin Turner but also Mr. Smith white. They both are equally involved in all the company cases and their procedures. Just by chance, Mr. Smith White, happened to meet my next eye -witness, the previous day. So, my next eye witness for the case is Miss Sheryl Hope, who is an internationlly acclaimed model from Paris and also my very good friend!"