The frustrated boy....

The couple frowned hearing Austin's noisy complaints. Smith finally retraced his lips and starred at the man in anger as if he was about to pounce on him any time. "What is bro! You are spoiling my mood." Smith's nostrils flared up in anger.

"I am sorry. I did not want to do it." Austin then turned to look at Sheryl. "Can you please go and help Linda. Somebody spilled a lot of beer on her. Her dress and hair are spoiled considerably!"

"Linda is not a baby! She can go and help herself." Sheryl frowned, looking at Austin. "Stop treating my friend like a kid. She is a mature, self-made and independent woman, who can handle the spilled bear by herself!" Sheryl spoke in a tipsy tone, pointing her finger at Austin.

"Yes! You are right baby! Come let us kiss again." Smith held the girl's face with both his hands.

Austin slapped his forehead in helplessness. "Wait!! Don't start again. She is drunk. She can not even walk properly. How will she go to the bathroom. by herself!??"

Smith glared at the man signalling him to leave from their. "Then be a gentleman Bro, and escort the lady to the bathroom. And now get lost!! Let us explore each other." Smith immediately planted his lips on top of Sheryl's lips, holding her hips once again and pulling her closer to him happily.

"What?!!" Austin nodded his head in disapproval again, looking at the engrossed couple. He then turned, walking back towards Linda, grumbling angrily in his mouth. "Just how will I take the girl, to the ladies' washroom. Does he even know, how difficult it is coming so close to Linda, and not do anything else. Hah!! How will he understand? He has easy and ready access to any woman's body in just ten minutes."

He walked upto the girl and sighed. Her face was absolutely flushed, her pouted lips looking extremely alluring.