The closeness...

She had rested her head at the back rest of the couch clumsily, her hair dropping down the droplets of the spilled bear on her shoulders, travelling all the way upto her cleavage. She had partly opened her legs, making Austin control his desires, terribly. "Ohh!! God! So much of test of my patience today. Specially for a man, who has not had sex in five years!!!"

Austin bent down and looked at Linda's lost face. He caressed her hands softly, bringing the girl out of her trance. "Linda! Linda!! We need to get you cleaned. The beer is spoiling you dress!"

Linda opened her eyes looking at Austin. "I ... I can not get up!"

"Yes! I know, Sheryl and Smith have refused to come. I will help you to the bathroom. Come." Austin encircled his arms around her waist and made her stand straight, immediately.

The girl's body was now extremely close to his body, her naked thighs, touching his thighs. Wereas, her lower assets, touching his manhood, were sending shivers down his spine. He took deep breaths looking in the girl's sultry light brown eyes, trying to control his bodily urges.

"I can't take a step further." She looked down at the floor, holding Austin's shoulders tightly, almost falling on him. Her breasts occasionally, grazed his chest, making the boy gulp in nervouseness. Their faces were just inches apart and he could not help but stare at the girl's pouted lips.

"Try and wa.... walk! I... I am holding you." Austin took deap breaths, tightening his grip on the girl's waist.

"Ok!" Linda looked at the floor ahead, and carefully took a step further. She took two further steps but her ankle twisted instantly, making her stumble. Austin quickly balanced the girl from her waist yet again, avoiding her to fall on the ground. "It's ok! It is ok! I got you!"