Chapter 12

Chapter 12

As the night came, Eric looked at the meat he was cooking and started eating it and he smiled happily as the new sharp knife he got from the fat guard could cut the meat easily, so he didn't have to tear it apart with his hands, but this wasn't what he was happy about, rather it was because he tried to cut himself with the knife and saw it was a struggle to do so, and so he tried with power and as he did, he cut himself with as he focused a little power into the knife, but he saw the small wound heal Instantly afterwards, so he was happy with how resilient and weird his body was becoming, he then heard a knock at the door and thought "Who?" And as he thought of storing the tier 2 meat, he didn't, he just stored the dead body since it looked nasty, he then went and opened the door and saw it was Alena and he thought "What she doing here..., it's barely been a day, common...I bet on three days damit…, and that was after I try making her relationship with her husband worse…, now to hear her dramatic story.... how fun..." and as she saw him, she looked embarrassed as she asked if she could come in and so he did, he let her in.

He then heard her talk about how her husband woke up early today because of the noise...and as she said that, she glanced around, she then told him that her husband saw there daughter eating bread and after he saw that, she had to explain that she got it from you and so she did, and apparently her husband thought Erice was the son of a warrior or something like that as he looked you, so she went with it and told him his father asked her to look after him since he was joining the army and that the son would be getting an allowance from his salary from a friend and he would give us food if she cleaned or helped Eric around the house and as her husband heard her randomly make up lie, he got happy and apparently asked her if she could seduce me for some liquor and as he heard that, he showed her a sympathetic but serious expression but inwardly, he was laughing at how greedy that mother fucker was, that he would use his own wife to show some skin and to get some side liquor, she then teared up as she looked at him, she then kept apologizing for everything and just told him she was a broken and useless, and that she was nothing but a used women, and Eric smirked as he saw her bowing her head down and making this about her, he then thought "Typical".

Eric then heard her talk if she could still have the deal, and she then talked about the food, and she didn't mind if was just a piece of bread a day or just water, and as she heard nothing, she waited in silence and lifted her head to look at him she then saw him staring at her in seriously and as she thought about what she did yesterday and with what she's said now to him about the deal and her...husband asking her to seduce him by showing some skin to get some liquor, so he could save money to spend on a whore or more drinks...she stayed quiet for a bit..., she came here happily as she thought she could just be with Eric even if it was just for there deal since she started falling for the boy she shouldn't have, she then thought of how she just called herself a whore to him and started to tear up, so she was about to leave but saw as looked at the door, she saw him standing at the door, blocking it, and she didn't understand why...she just wanted to leave and hold her daughter... she always messes up when she's with him after all..., she then looked at him for a second but couldn't stare at his face so she kept her head down, she then heard him say "Look at me" and as she did, she looked at him, but as she did, she couldn't keep at it for long and looked back down, she then heard him say it louder and as she did, she looked at him as she cried silently.

Alena wiped her eyes as she looked st Eric, she then saw him walking closer and heard him say "Remember what I said Yesterday? About, what would I do if you come back?" And as she heard that, she remembered his passionate...words that day...that he would take her and make her his and so she heard that, and smiled a bit, she then saw him looking at her seriously and say in a deep tone unlike his usual self, "You hurt me that day ...and now your doing me" and as she heard that she lost that small smile as she apologized, she then heard him say as he grabbed her "I don't want your words, I will take the apology I want from your body and after I'm done, you will belong to me, like I said you would" and as he said that, she felt him carry her to the mattress and she then asked him if she could wash but all she heard him say was, "No, you will take your punishment now" before he started kissing her mouth and sealing her lips and Eric didn't leave her body alone that whole night, as he was punishing her while showing her his 'love' for her and how much she 'hurt' him and she just kissed him back as she accepted everything, and gave into the pleasure that he causes.

Eric went at it all night with her, and he only cumed inside her and as he did that, he could see a lot of his semen leaking out and some where all over he's his and he lower regions and after all the sex, Eric was still rock hard but he wasn't fucking her as she passed out 4 times from the rough sex and she had to go back before her husband came back in a few hours but until then, he kept kissing her like he did most of the night and got her to stroke him off as she did, and as she did, Eric hand one had, grabbing her head closer and they've been having an intense kiss for the past 40 minutes, and while doing so, he had his other hand playing with her breasts.

Eric stopped and saw she was dead beat tired, he then whispered in her ear like he did every one hour after half the night passed "Who do you belong to?" And as he said that, she weakly said as she was exhausted from the pleasure he gave her from fucking and the kisses he wouldn't stop giving her "Y-you.." and she smiled as she said that, so he did what he did last time, he fed her some food, and helped her drink water, but this time after cleaning her self with the help of Eric, she didn't stroke his hard still hard penis, as she was too tired and she felt warm inside and smiled as Eric helped her home and before he left her, he looked around before giving her a kiss, and after that, he said to her "See you soon Alena" and walked away and he looked back at her a few times.

She watched him leave and went inside as she held the walls, she then went to sleep as she cuddled with her daughter thinking "..Eric..." and Eric, who she was happy reminiscing about was planning something fun for tomorrow and so he ate some meat that gave him some strengthening warmth and as he thought about the amount, he then thought he wasn't sleepy and took out the flowers he found yesterday, as one of them was good to be eaten raw for inflammation and could be sold for 2 utips and one could speed up your bodies recovery and the last one that induces heavy sleep and as he looked at that one, he smiled, he then saw he had a few of each and then stored them away as he wouldn't sell them, as he did have plans for them. Eric went shopping for food and some other stuff, he then bought stuff for his plan for tomorrow and went home and stored it away after opening a bottle of heavy liquor that cost him 6 utips, and he submerged the plant from earlier and he closed the lid right after, he then thought about the 11 utips he wasted and that he still had 350 left and with that, he started to eat a tier 2 monster meat, and kept eating till he was full, he then found he was able to 80 percent of one before he got full and as he did, he relaxed on his mattress as he felt the empowering warmth, he then thought that when he gets to tier 3 monster meat, it will take a while due to tier 2 tier two still being able to empower him even after he at a crystal from it, and as he thought of this, he took a nap, he then went and sorted out with everything he bought and as it got to night time, he heard a knock and as he did, he opened the door and saw it was Alena and as she saw him, she smiled as she appeared tired, he then let her in and as he did, he saw she was still exhausted, and as she got in, he closed the door.

Alena, as she saw the boy, Eric, she couldn't help but smile as she looked at him, and her smile turned even wider as she saw his own smile and she felt embarrassed as she looked at the boy as he makes her feel...warm, and cared for..., and while in bed, he touches her and showed her pleasure her men never showed her. Alena, as she got in, was held by her hands after Eric closed the door, she watched as this young man, held her hands and stared into her eyes with such a with a smile, and so she couldn't help herself and she became flustered, she then saw him smiling at her and his hand went to hold her chin and she got pulled into a kiss, her heart started beating even faster as she loved how this boy kisses her with passion as he holds her.

Alena, after she got out of that long kiss, smiled at Eric, she then heard him say tonight they wouldn't have sex and she panicked a bit inwardly as she remembered she never does get him fully down as he was always hard and maybe he hated that? But she then heard him say as he hugged her closer and tighter that he was worried about her health, and she then saw him showing such a worried expression that she teared up, she then told him, she didn't want to leave, but he was adamant that she should watch her health and he then told her, he had plans to meet her tomorrow and to show her..., that his words weren't lies?, and as she heard this, she didn't understand it that well, but her body felt so warm in his hug and she couldn't help but crouch a bit and hug him while kissing him, and she said she would meet him tomorrow, and as he heard that he apparently grabbed her for a long kiss, one where he held her very close to his body and as he did, she wrapped his arms around him.

Alena said she was about to leave after the kiss and that she would see him tomorrow, but he didn't let her leave, rather he gave her some food, a full water satchel, and flowers, and as he did, he told them one was to help her heal exhaustion and the other was to help with her injuries, and as she heard this, she couldn't help but cry again on how this boy treated her so well when she doesn't deserve this, especially with how she's treated him, and as she cried, the boy grabbed her on his mattress, and kissed her, he kissed her neck and chest as well till she stopped crying and after she finished crying, Eric asked her is she was feeling better and she couldn't help but herself as she went to kiss him again, she then felt him hold one of her hands as they had a 'loving' kiss, and as she finished the long kiss, she looked at him and saw him smiling at her, she then smiled happily as she held his hand tighter, she then heard Eric telling her to leave, as she was exhausted and that he...was feeling like keeping her the whole night now, and as she heard that, she appeared flustered and happy, she then said to him she would stay if he wanted, but he told her he was worried about her health and that she should eat a lot before she sleeps and to eat the flowers, and as she heard that she hugged the boy she fell for, she then told him the words he made her tell her yesterday as they made love "I belong to you...Eric" and as she said this, she felt him hold her tighter as one hand started reaching for her lower back, he then stopped himself and told her she should go and as she heard him, she thought it was harder to control his lust with her and she smiled happily as she thought of this, she then took everything and heard him say, "I will show you what those words mean tomorrow" and as she heard that, she thought about him meaning all night love again and smiled as she said "I will repeat those words then as well" she then happily left as she took the stuff, she then smelled the flowers as she did, and Eric saw this from this window and thought "She does know she has to eat those right…and how broken was she to fall hard this quick, didn't we meet like 4 days ago? Abused women are so easy to use, man this is fun...shit got me horny though" and as he looked away, he thought of getting more women soon.

To Be Continued.