Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Eric woke up the next day after a nice sleep and saw his bro saying hi to him and he said "Don't worry, we're gonna have fun soon" and so he washed himself as he wore nice clothes and after that, he grabbed the stuff he needed and put a doll and food on his small table, he then heard footsteps and thought it was the husband walking home, and as he checked, it was indeed, so he left after grabbing the stuff and taking out the floor. Eric went to the front of there door and heard some noise of someone being hit, he then smirked as he knocked on the doot and as he did, he heard a man say "What?" and then walking noise, towards him from inside the hut.

The husband opened the door and saw it was the warrior kid that gives his family food, and he didn't think of it much that actually, as he thought the kid was pure and young, he then heard the boy say as he showed him a bottle of liquor, "I thought I would greet you uncle, I heard my father say we bring good liquor when I meet another family and I must stay until the liquor is done, and auntie told me that you drink a lot, right? So you don't mind drinking this by yourself, I have warrior training later after all later and so I brought myself juice... and auntie has been really kind to me, so I thought I would come and say thanks to the…'man of the house' " and as he heard that, he saw the liquor bottle he only ever tried a few cups of and saw him bringing a whole bottle for himself, he started laughing as he told the kid, he was such a good and learned kid, and that his father should be proud, he smiled broadly as he let the boy in, and as he let the boy in, he moved some stuff to the side and saw his wife looking surprised while she held her face that he just slapped a minute ago, and she was looking surprised at the boy, he then told her how the boy brought him liquor and she should bring him a cup.

Eric went and sat down where the man indicated, he then saw the man get a cup, but only one, and as he saw this, he smiled as he didn't have to use many words on this greedy fool, he then saw the man take the bottle that he pushed towards him, and start drinking it after he poured it some in the cup and apparently the man loved it, and soon enough, he saw the man drink it straight from the bottle as he asked about his so called dad, and about training to be a warrior, and soon enough, he saw the man finish that whole bottle, while he just drank his juice he brought, he would occasionally glance at Alena who looked worried about what he would say or do, but he did see some expectation in her facial expressions, the man offered Eric some food, but he told him he ate before he came here, and Eric heard the man talk about life for 30 minutes before he started acting weirdly and laid down his head on the table as he said "Been a long day ahahaha" and as Eric saw this, he ignored the man who he didn't know was asleep or not yet and looked at the daughter that the man tried showing off to him a little while ago as he made her sit next to him and saw she was happy that the man fell asleep, so he then whispered to the girl " You know where I live right?" and saw her nod, he then said "I left you a present over there with some food and juice, but you have to stay there until I come back alright or I'll get mad at you, and don't worry, I already talked about it with your mommie, and if I don't come back and you get bored, just sleep alright, but don't worry, you can play with your present" and as the girl heard that, she smiled brightly at her mother and saw she didn't say anything but give her a curious look, she then left after thanking him.

Alena watched as Eric came and talked to her husband about her made up lie, she then saw her husband pass out from drinking too much, and then Eric whispering something to her daughter, she then saw her daughter smiling brightly as she looked at her after their talk, she wanted to question her about it, but she saw Eric smiling at her and kept quiet as she got a bit flustered, and after she saw her daughter leave, she felt a bit sad on the inside as she thought Eric would say something about their relationship when he was talking to her husband, she then saw Eric stand up and walk up to her, and as she did, she stood up from their family bed made of hay, she then felt and saw Eric push her and as she did, she fell back on the hay, laying down, she then was about to question him, but she saw him getting on top of her and start kissing her, and she was shocked by this, she then looked to her right, where her husband was passed out, and that was right next to them, she then tried to tell him he couldn't, and that her husband could wake up, she then tried saying they could go back to his place, but as she did, she heard the boy tell her, "Didn't I say I would show that you belonged to me? I even said the first time you left, I would show that in front of the man you call a husband, that you are mine" and as he said that, he started touching her down there, rubbing it and she started to get wet, she then started to beg of him not to do this, and as she did, she saw felt him stop moving and heard him question her "Do you not belong to me? I just want to show you...your mine...and that I 'love' you" and as Alena saw him looking at her sad, she then heard him say these words to her, 'I love you', she couldn't help but tear up as she hasn't heard those words from a man in a long time, she then glanced at her passed out husband and told him " me..." and as she said that, she saw him smiling as he kissed her, she then felt him going roughly as he touched her and he made such loud sounds as sounds as he moved while stripping her, and so she took off her hand off mouth as she was trying to suppress her moans and told him to be quieter as they could wake him, but she saw him smiling as she said that, she then heard him say "I want him to wake up, I want to show him your mine, and well, if he does wake up, I'll kill him and take you I want you to be loud, let's see if we can wake him up" and as she heard that, she looked at him surprised, she then saw him take down his pants and aimed it at her hole, she then moved her hand to get it ready to cover her mouth, but she felt him grabbing it while looking at her, he then held her other hand with his, she then looked at him, then saw his thing as big and hard, she then glanced at her husband before she felt him rubbing it on her and as she did, she moaned, but tried to suppress it and as she did, he stopped, and stared at her and as she saw this, she looked at her husband again, before she looked at him and opened her legs for him to enter, she then said "I'm sorry...I won't try it again...please make love me to Eric" and as she said that, she saw him smile at her, but for a second she thought that smile was creepy, but as she did, she looked again and saw he was giving such sweet smile as he grabbed her hand tightly and said "I want to you...Alena" and as she heard and saw this, she thought it was just her imagination as she told him as well, that she wanted him, and as he entered her, she moaned loudly and looked at her passed out husband with some fear, but it seemed Eric didn't care as he kept moving inside her, and after a while, she saw that he was really drunk as he didn't wake up and moaned even louder as Eric got rougher with her.

As the hours passed, Eric made love to her everywhere in the house, he did it right where he sat and chatted with her husband, he did it right next to him as well, and he even did it on top of her husband and he lets it out inside of her, she even watched as some of his semen fall on top of her husband, but she didn't care, she was too into the pleasure he was giving her and how this situation excited her, and no matter what, even as she laid on top her husband and let Eric have his way with her, he didn't wake up no matter the amount of shaking, nor with how she hit him after he told her to do so, and after all that, she started getting way into it as she got passionate about it, she then heard how Eric drugged his drink, and how hr wished he didn't as he didn't know it was this strong, as he wanted her husband to wake up so he could make her his.

6 hours passed, and Eric marked her with his semen all over her body, and she smiled as he took the time and helped her clean her exhausted body, she then kissed him before he left, and she told him honestly how today really excited her, and he told her he knew as she got really tight while he was inside her, she then became embarrassed as she heard that, but her hands were held by him as he looked embarrassed as well, he then told her how he felt excited as well and that it felt so good inside her, he then suggested they do this again, and as she heard that, she at first wanted to say no, but as she remembered the pleasure and how good it felt to hit her husband, she then said "Alright my love" and as she said that, it seemed to rile Eric up as he took her once more from behind next to her husband and she, though exhausted, moaned loudly from the pleasure without a care in the world.

To Be Continued.