Let Me Show You

"Shhh!!! I am here sweetheart. You are okay, and in my arms." Adam spoke up in a soft voice as if he was cooing a crying child. 

"Stop with the crying baby girl. You know it breaks my heart to see you like this." He whispered softly above her head, his left hand was rubbing her back slowly as he tried to calm her down.

He felt Stella nodding against his chest, but she didn't stop crying.

"I am sorry for what happened Mr Taylor." Adam spoke up as he finally registered the presence of another person standing before him. 

"It's not your fault." Taylor replied lazily with a shrug.

"But it did happen in my company. So, I apologise to you for the inconvenience. And I am sorry to say but I won't be able to make it to the meeting, I have something urgent on my hands which needs my utmost attention." Adam continued, giving him an apologetic smile. 

"It's alright. You take care of whatever it is." Taylor replied and made his way to the other elevator.