Everyone Knows Now

Stella tried opening her heavy eyelids, which took her a while to do. As soon as she opened them, they landed on a handsome face, a couple of inches away from her own. 

His fair, smooth skin seemed to glow under the warm lighting of the room. His chiseled face could put the famous models and actors to shame. 

"How did I become so lucky?" She muttered under her breath as her fingers inched towards his face, finally landing on his firm, thin lips. 

"You must have saved an entire planet in your last life." A strong, husky voice reached her ears, bringing her back to the present. 

Stella tried to retract her fingers, but it was too late for that. A strong grip held them in their place, hovering over his lips 

Adam opened his eyes lazily, his lips curling up in a smirk. He kissed her finger tips slowly, one at a time. 

Stella could feel her cheeks becoming warm at his sweet actions.