Epilogue (3)

Adam continued to stare at the shut door even after Stella was long gone. He turned his attention to his little angel who was staring, more specifically glaring, at him. He cast his eyes down to have a look at his son only to find him staring back at him with an annoyed expression tugging at his facial muscles. 

"What?" He asked no one in particular as his eyes jumped from his son to his daughter, and then back to the little version of him. 

Carlisle shook his head helplessly before he made a leap for the bed. After making sure that he was sitting comfortably on it, he decided to address his father. "You are doomed, Dad." He added while folding his hands across his chest. The grave expressions on his face only added to the seriousness which was lingering in the air. He looked like he was there to make a deal, and would only have it his way.