Epilogue (4)

Next day,

"Adam?" Stella called out as she made her way out of the bathroom. She had just taken a shower and now was looking for the dress which she needed to wear for the day. It was a housewarming party, more specifically a feast.  She didn't want to be late to her own party and be a bad host to her guests. Only those who were their family were invited. The couple didn't want the media to get their hands on the address. They wanted to keep their safe haven clean and out of the news.

But the man who took the responsibility of arranging her dress was nowhere to be found. She had a rough idea that he might be downstairs looking after the preparations. There was no way she could go down in a bathrobe. Thinking that it would be better to just call him, she reached out for her phone with the hope that he had his phone on him. She was about to hit the dial button when there was a knock on the door of the room.