Reborn to the Dragon Ball World to become Sun Wukong, I said that the pressure is great!
"Flissa, I heard that you are very afraid of the golden Saiyaren? Or will I become a blue one, are you afraid of the blue Saiyan?"
"When Saru, can you not regenerate indefinitely?" I won't cut your 999 arms, just regenerate one and let me make up a whole!"
"Vegeta, I don't know why Terex's hairstyle is like me, you don't believe next door. Lao Wang, can you still believe me not next door to the old grandson?" After
becoming a Saiyan, the temper is really more and more violent, and it is launched, and the bombs are on their heads!
written by a 2-year-old??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
ahh, cant continue any longer, although i can decipher all of the alternate names from the original, its just annoying to do so, ye no, just don't read
Hi, Fellow chinese person here, and I'm here to do justice. Even though first 2 chaps are weird, the author in reality is very talented. Some of the people out there won't understand the name changes, ok. As you should know many countries change the names of certain, most or all character to make the names sound better for that language's audience. Clearly this man watched the entire db series in Chinese. It is extremely clear that he put the names of the character directly into Google Translate unknowingly making it hard for those of us who know these character's names in their orginal way, so please start use this as a challenge to use your brains, Thank you. Keep up the good updates and job author 哥٩( 'ω' )و