
Lu Liang who finally escaped from Tuong Liang grib begin to walk limbly out of the military camp.

Everywhere he pass, warriors of the Liang clan would show there respect.

"Young master!", "Young master!"

He would muster what energy that is left in his body to smile at them.

Liang Warrior 1: "I feel bad for the young master, he been training so hard ever since he was three."

Liang warrior 2: "Yeah, especially with Tuong Liang of all people."

While the two warriors feel pity for Lu Liang.

Lu Liang himself continue to walk absent mindedly toward the exit of the training camp.

'I can't believe that old masochist actually eat a full bowl of porridge with enough Ging herb that i give him which can cause any man asshole to burst is Ok! He even smile brighter after using the latrines!"

'Because of that I was made to carry weights on my legs, I can barely feel them anymore...."

Feeling defeated, Lu Liang grumble to himself.

'What the point in training so hard when the clan only pay tribute to the Pei kingdom every year...."

He stop next to the exit and took one last look at the warriors training hard.

'Everyone is working so hard to protect the things we cherish but with the Pei kingdom demanded more and more....'

Complicated thoughts continue to go through his mind as he left the military camp.


In the bustling market of the Liang clan, different kind of goods and services are being sold with people shouting to get potential customers attention could be heard here and there.

"Come take a look everyone! exotic animals of all sort! cheap prices!"

"Miss there! come take a look at these strong slaves, they use to be soldiers which will make good bodyguards or servants!"

"Hand made pot and pans from the best smith in the Liang clan!"

"Fresh vegetables for sell!"

"Hi handsome, wanna play with me tonight hehe."

The Liang clan don't forbid the trade of slavery and prostitution. Due to continuous war, many was sold either into slavery or prostitution.

Families would sold there kids for food or riches if there daughters are lucky to be a concubine of a wealthy family. While others are captured soldiers from enemy countries.

By promoting this, it allows good income for the Liang clan with taxes they collect from the businesses.

Lu Liang was making his way through the marketplace while looking around couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

'Uncle Xen Liang once said that these kind of business is really profitable due to the ongoing war and those sold into slavery or prostitution are the poor souls who destiny are no longer theirs to decide.'

'But what if there is a world where peace can be obtained and everyone can live the life that they choose, then our Liang clan won't need to pay tribute to the Pei kingdom anymore at that....'

Lu Liang who was deep in thought awoken from a woman scream. In front of the woman is one huge cage and another small cage next to it with a strong muscular man standing on the side of the stage. Scars could be seen all over his body with the top of his body shown.

The man is a hunter in the Liang clan named Ku Liang and he is well known in the clan for his strength.

Woman: "Why do you bring that monster here! almost scared me to death!"

Ku Liang: "I'm here to sell my prize hunt of course" Ku Liang look at the woman as if she an idiot.

Woman: "Who would buy that monster, I was only trying to look at the cub but that thing scared me half to death."

Lu Liang listening to the two can't stop his curiosity and move closer to the stage.

What he saw almost cause his little heart to jump out from his throat.

In the cage was a huge white mandarin tiger, looking completely ferocious.

Remembering that he use to read about it in a book. The white mandarin tiger are natives around the Liang clan, highly intelligent and can grow to 7 feet in height.

Next to the big cage Lu Liang also noticed a big white hairball in the corner of the smaller cage.

As his curiosity is getting stronger than his fear, he continue to get closer.

Ku Liang on the side noticed Lu Liang getting closer to the cage instantly got a lot paler unlike his earlier strong posture.

"Young master! please stop!"

Stopping five feet from the cage Lu Liang turn to look at Ku Liang.

"What the matter Ku Liang?"

"It to dangerous for you to get so close young master."

"That is an untamed white mandarin tiger." Ku Liang nervously said.

"I just want to check what is that big white hairball" Lu Liang wave his hand to dismiss Ku Liang worries and point towards the smaller cage.

Following Lu Liang finger, Ku Liang understood immediately.

"Reporting to young master, that is the white mandarin tiger offspring that I found inside the tiger lair."

"It was recently born, with eyes still closed. that was why we were able to catch the mother in her weaken state."

"White mandarin tiger are known to raise there cub alone so it was rather easy."

Lu Liang who heard Ku Liang explanation can't help but form a smile on his face.