Incoming Storm

"Ku Liang, I want you to send both the mother and it's offspring to the chief manor by tomorrow. I will purchase the both of them from you."

Shocked Ku Liang immediately fell on his knees "Thank you young master, thank you."

What other people don't know is that Ku Liang has been standing on that stage for hours trying to sell the two tiger but due to the mother tiger ferociousness, everyone who approach are frighten by it. But he can't kill her either because live tigers worth more since they can be use in variety of ways. Now that the young master want to purchase them from him is nothing short of a blessing.

While the transaction between Ku Liang and Lu Liang was being finalized.

At the same time at another location, a tense and silent atmosphere could be felt back inside the chief manor. Lu Liang father Gao Liang and his mother Xao Liang along with all the important figures of the Liang clan can be seen at this time inside the clan main lobby as an important meeting is under way.

Gao Liang was the first to break the silence as he solemnly said "everyone, I'm sure you have already heard the news about the Pei Kingdom envoy along with the princes will be visiting our territory in a month time."

"The last time they visited our territory, our people was bullied by them and some were even killed because of the smallest thing! But we couldn't punish them at all! At this rate our we will lose all the faith of those that depends on us." Du Liang said as he gritted his teeth.

Gu Liang who sitting next to Du Liang reply "Second brother is right, we cannot allow something like that to happen again. Otherwise they will continue to think our Liang clan is easy to push around."

"I may have a solution to our trouble." Xen Liang smiles.

"What is the solution Xen?" Gao Liang responded with much anticipation.

Xen Liang cup his hand together and slightly lower his head "My lord, in a month time is the martial art competition of the younger generation in our Liang clan. We could use this event to show our power especially with the young lord talent in the name of friendly competition. At the same time it will keep the Pei Kingdom people preoccupied and minimize the potential of them going around causing trouble."

"He is right, I train that boy to the bone so i know better than anyone of his potential. Even though he complains and a little mischievous but his talent is truly monstrous. Earlier today he actually manage to do squat with fifty pounds sandbag for hours and much more. No kid his age can do what he did except for you Gao Liang back then." Tuong Liang said proudly as if he himself is Lu Liang.

Everyone in the room was shock at this new revelation but soon smiles started to form on their faces.

"If that the case then let Lu enter the competition. However, his safety must always be priority." Gao Liang still have some worry for his son since there opponent is the Pei Kingdom.

"Hmp, I dare them to lay a hand on my son." with fierce eyes Xao Liang speak for the first time.

"Yes, if they dare touch Lu then this old man will fight to the death with them!" Tuong Liang nodded in a form of agreement with Xao Liang as he said fiercely.

Everyone couldn't help but stay tense while the meeting continue for a while before everyone disperse to prepare for the Pei Kingdom envoy arrival.

Night falls onto the Liang clan as Lu Liang who is still clueless about the incoming storm will get the news that will change the course of his life forever. Are now back in his studies after taking care of some minor businesses along the way could be seen reading the map of the land around the Liang clan.


At this time sound of door opening could be heard as Lu Liang father and mother walked in. Lu Liang who hate being bother when concentrating didn't even turn his head and immediately ask the couple who he mistaken as servants to leave.

"Please leave, I'm really busy so you can just leave the food on the table."

Servants usually come to drop off food for him while being in his studies so it couldn't be help for the misunderstanding. Unfortunately, this mistake will be a painful one.

Xao Liang walked up to her son and squeeze his ear which made Lu Liang squeal loudly while Gao Liang could only helplessly shake his head at Lu Liang pitiful situation. Lu Liang who are now back to the world realize his mistake and immediately kneel down to pay his respect.

"Lu Liang greets mother and father."

"What bring mother and father to my studies at this time?" Lu Liang is truly confused in his parents arrival because they have never visit him this late before.

"Do i need a reason to visit my own son?" Xao Liang ask back rather then dispelling Lu Liang confusion.

"N, No mother that's not what i meant at all!" Lu Liang start to panic because he know how his mother is when her temper flares up.

"Ok ok, you two can stop now because we have something more serious to discuss." Gao Liang can't take it anymore as he step in to stop this mother and son.

After calming down the situation, Gao Liang turn to look at Lu Liang "Son, in a month time the competition for the younger generation of our Liang clan will commence. For that competition you must enter and win first place understood?"

"Yes father, i will be sure to make you and mother proud." Confidence surge through Lu Liang as he responded.

"How many time have i mention to not be cocky and hasty?" Xao Liang reminded her son.

Feeling embarrass Lu Liang scratched the back of his head as he let out a little dry laugh from his mother words.

"Your mother is right because this time your opponent will not only be our Liang clan younger generation but the princes of Pei Kingdom!" Gao Liang fill in Lu Liang of the seriousness that comes with what will transpire in a month time.

Lu Liang immediately understood how important this competition is to not just his parents but the clan as a whole, could no longer be rash and cupped his hand "Your son understood!"

Xao Liang and Gao Liang both nodded with satisfaction seeing their son determination.

Then a sudden thought hit Gao Liang "Son, how's your progress with the clan Kung Fu?"

"Since my mind and body have been getting stronger i was able to start studying the first layer but it will take some more time for me to fully master it unless an unsuspected encounter occur that can help me breakthrough." Lu Liang respectfully reported.

"Good Good, you must work hard son." Eyes full of expectation Gao Liang and Xao Liang said their farewell and left.

After some time pass after his parent left, Lu Liang put aside the map and started to contemplate the mystery that come with the first layer of Liang clan Kung Fu as he thought "In a month time i must bring glory to the clan!"