country side..


I herd some one behind me and noticed Clare on the ground I ran towards her

I could say she tripped

I tured on my mobile flashlight and check if she was okay

I saw little blood drops sticking to her knees

I slowly tried to lift her, but she hesitated

"Clare what are you doing here "

she gave me a deadly stare and scoffed

"shouldn't I be the one asking you that why are you here at this hour.. "

she paused and after thinking for a second she said

"no way you came here to see drake how could you do that "

I was relieved that she didn't see him kiss me but it would be better not to tell her

"Clare relax I just wanted to check if he was still waiting for me and my guess was right. he was here but... "

"but what " she interrupted me and pushed my hand away

"just listen to me"

"and he just said a goodbye and left he said he don't have much time and wanted me to... "

I bit my tongue

"Luci... he wanted you to what? "

"ummm happy he said happy "

I stammered

"that's it your not hiding anything from me are you "


I really wanted to tell her but I can't spoil the rest of our peaceful days again ,not now maybe later... I taught to my self

"then did you tell him that you can't be with him and the one is me? "

"I wish I could but he didn't let me speak before I could say anything he left "

"OK then let's go back, Im to tired and sleepy "

I looked at her pale face and with a smile I nodded

I slowly lifted her and walked back home and spend a whole night cuddling

the next day I decided to take her on a trip that I have been planning for a long time with out our parents knowledge

the destination was a country side

I woke up early in the morning and packed everything and made breakfast

when I got back to my room Clare was still sleeping ..

I slowly patted on her shoulder and a few minutes passed and she slowly open her eyes

"I have a surprise for you "

she stretched her hand wide and yawned and sat on the bed

she gave me a sleepy look and patted on her bed indicating me to sit there

then she pulled me closer and said

"kiss me.. "

bit I decided not to

"Clare go brush your teeth I'll be down there come fast if you don't wanna miss the surprise " with out saying an other word I left

after a few minutes passed a she was still not down here ,I went up and saw her on the bed, sleeping ...

I shook my head and carried her to the bathroom and I sprayed water in her face and head .

she was startled for a moment and hugged me tight around my waist

"why did you do that "

she complained..

I shook her and said

"I want you to come down the stairs in fifteen minutes dressed up.. we are leaving here do you hear me" she nodded

we took a public transportation. when we reached it was a warmth to all senses

we walked quite a bit to get on to the place to stay. the accommodation facility was quite average but all I want was her beside me .

it almost turned night so we decided to go out the next day

since we can't have many days we decided to use the maximum of Evey second

morning woke us up with chirping of birds and there was a squirrel near the window

when it sensed us it hopped to the tree and left

after breakfast we started walking around

the farmlands, and lakes Nearby were beautiful .and the mountains were not so high compaired to other areas we walked pretty far and found a bar .

"Luci I really wanted to go in come with me "

I shook my head

"I don't think it's a good idea it's already late we gotta get back now "

but ignoring me she hopped to the bar like a little kid

I was helpless and went in

and saw her sitting in the front bar and there I saw a old man wearing a cowboy hat

the bar had a painting of The ale house door by Henry singleton

the bar had dim lights and most of the men there had tattoos.. and few had scary face

my heart started beating faster something said me that coming here was not a good idea

Clare stated drinking but I decide not to. but I didn't know he had a low alcohol tolerance

and the place was too noisy ..

suddenly my phone rang it said mom

I asked Clare to not go anywhere and went out to pick the call

when I came back she was nowhere to be seen

I felt a pain in my heart

"not again Clare.. "

I asked the old man and he said she went out with a group of guys

I was literally scarred and ran out screaming her name.

I herd a voice behind the bar and saw a guy trying to kiss her but she was helpless and weak she tried to push him but

nothing seems to change the situation .

the other guys were scattered and was smoking

the smell was quite a headache, but before I know i had punched the guy in his face

and his nose was bleeding

"you bitch... "

he screamed I ran with Clare on my shoulder

but I was to tired ..

I tripped over a stone and fell we hind in a narrow area .when I could no longer sense there presence nearby I looked around suddenly I saw a small house in the woods

before they could find us I dragged her to the house

the roof was broken all I had was a Mobile. suddenly it started raining heavily and the water started dripping in

there seems to be no one living here for along time the place was too dusty and spider webs hand here and there

I was too tired and wish I could get back to our stay safe

suddenly there was a knock on the door

my heart started beating faster and faster the knocking continued

with hesitation I walked to open the door

when I opened the door

I took a step back.