The hickeys

it was that man.....

the old man with cowboy hat he looked at me full of sympathy but for some reason I wasn't scared anymore

"child are you fine you are not hurt are you? "

his voice was hard but there was feeling of love and care in it

I nodded

"kids you can't be out with those guys they are very dangerous they wouldn't even mind killing you "

I turned back to look at her and Clare was leaning to a wall and sleeping I smiled gently and said

"I don't mind what happens to me but I want to save her she is mine... "

the old man chuckled and said

"kid you are indeed strong but do you think she will be happy without you "

I gave him a serious look

"is there any way we could get back to our stay in this countryside "

the old man nodded

"I have a small jeep if you would like me to help you, you can come with me now "

I carried Clare in my shoulder walked with him

I don't know why I believe this person maybe he is the only hope for me or I don't have. an other choice

as he said, there was a jeep. I looked around to confirm it wasn't a trap .

"kid don't worry you are safe with me " he reassured

I slowly laid her in the back seat and her head resting in my lap. the old man started the engine I looked at her and she was still sleeping .

then she slowly open her eyes she touched my face gently

"Luci I'm sorry "

her cherry lips were trembling I couldn't help my self I kissed her so hard and our kiss last for long suddenly she pulled back and asked

"where are we are we kidnapped? "

the old man chuckled and gave her a bottle of water she drank it with out any hesitation and then leaned on my shoulder .

we got back to the place and thanked the old man ....

he left us with out asking us anything, but what he said was true these guys were not just people who mess around they where really dangerous .

when I stepped in to the room Clare said

" I'm gonna take a shower "

I nodded

I washed my face and changed my clothes

by the time she was back

she was wearing just a long white shirt and her hair was half wet

her legs looked soft and shiny and there was a black thread on her ankle

I looked at her for a long time enjoying the view.

she snapped her finger close to my face .

I pulled her closer she tiptoed and kissed me in forehead .

and climbed on me her legs wrapped around my waist I walked towards the bed and put her down

I started unbuttoning her shirt her clear soft skin was beautiful I pressed my lips on her neck and between I removed her shirt

I kissed her everywhere her hair smell so good she removed my dress one by one until I was half naked

she slowly kissed on my thighs, my stomach I started moaning

we went wild ,..since we were tired at some point of the night I fell asleep

mrng when I woke up I was fully naked and Clare was not in the bed

I heard the tap from the bathroom

I covered myself with a blank and went near the mirror and checked myself

there were marks on my neck .my chest, thighs and teeth marks on my shoulder my lips were swollen

I touched them slowly and wonderd how wild can she be ...,

suddenly yesterday's incident came back to me

I knocked on the door before I knock twice she open the door

she was completely naked the shower was on and water was running though her silky smooth skin non stop .

I shook my head and I saw many marks on her body I put the bedsheet down on the floor and walked towards her.

her arm, shoulder ,neck was all with hickeys I touched them slowly remembering how I made all those

feeling how our love had left behind all this ..

suddenly I came back to my sense

"Clare we gotta get out of here .the faster the better "

she didn't question me instead she nodded the she pulled me to the shower after a short time of shower

we left the place

when we got back home I felt a huge relief but my parents were not back yet .

I turned to my calendar I facepalmed my self

"Holy mackerel, it's prom night tomorrow"

suddenly a picture of drake came to my mind I shook my head hard everytime I try to forget him

the moments we had, hit me harder ...and the kiss we shared in the graveyard how he vanished in to the dark

where is he now ?

why did he looked so scared ?

what was that he wanted to tell me?

am I lying to myself ?

I pulled my hair hard suddenly Clare came behind me and hugged me tight at that moment I realized we are meant to be .

"Luci it's alright whatever it is, it's all gonna be fine. just remember that I will be there for you "

she turned me around and said

"look at me... tell me you will never forget me what ever happens in the future "

"I know is not easy for us to be together but promise me you will fight beside me. for us"....

I nodded and hugged her tight

I said

"don't you think it's strange that they are not here yet, I'll just call mom"

we both sat on the bed and called her the phone was off, all of there phone was off.

"Luci I think they might be enjoying the last part of the trip so they might have decided to turn there phones off and enjoy the moment "

"I guess so "

"so, it's prom tomorrow "

I nodded

she stood up and bowed in front of me and said

"will you be my partner Ms Luci"

I laughed and said " I think I have no other choice "

she pushed me to the bed and she was on top of me

"of course you don't "

and then she kissed me.

this time it was so gentle and smooth we kissed for a long time

the next day it was almost evening I wore a plain dress and my hair was tied in to a messy bun

but the marks were yet to fade I took a jacket and covered them but I kinda looked dumb in it .but I can't let others see them

when I got down the stairs I saw Clare Wearing an beautiful dress she indeed resembled a princess

I went near her bowed to her and said

"my queen "

"ahaaa "she shook her head and said "you are not coming like that are you ?"

i looked at Her and gave a fade smile

"you think I should show those marks to others "

she shook her head and said

"that's why you need to learn how to do make up my girl "

then she took me to her room and started applying foundation on my marks

"woah it actually worked " I was surprised..

we reached the hall it's been so long since I have seen everyone but I did really miss one person

few friends of Clare came and lead her to here and there

I almost felt lonely but I can't let her be lonely as I'm

I took a drink and sat on a table alone and suddenly a message from unknown number popped in my mobile screen

it said


i felt panicked and looked around Clare was no where to be seen .

and another message came


I couldn't think of anything else

who could it be?

why are they doing this?

I rushed to the road above and found the car...

I walked towards it but something was off

there was no one there.

the I saw the girl laying on the ground I ran towards her...