Two hundred and one

if it is Mr X I'm definitely not going to give him any face I hesitated for a second but when the second knock appeared I opened the door

it was a maid and she was dressed like irona in Richie rich which I have been watching during my bed rest

she was in her long black and white French maid dress .she had a warm smile on her face and looked quite elegant .she was carrying a box ,she gave it to me and left the room

I went back to my bed and opened it up

it was written hot patches in it and a few tablets I checked the prescription and followed them

had a hot bath and felt relieved

the next morning I was woken up by a long thud on my door I checked the clock and it was around six in the morning I got out from my bed and open the door

It was the same maid

" master wants you down in the field. you better hurry up"

I could feel all types of pain all around my body without wasting much time I walked down the stairs and reach the field

this time it was only Sei

" your here"

I nodded he gave me the instructions

after the days practice he called me near

" do you know why you lost to Nancy?"

I nodded

"tell me then "

"because I haven't learned anything "

" wrong! "

"first thing you should learn is to always look into the opponents Eyes"

he paused

"second always learn with your heart "

"third always practice basic stances everyday"

I nodded for everything he said

three weeks passed too quick

I could almost sense the change in my body three weren't any visible muscles like Nancy but I can feel the strength

and the special drink that sai gives me taste gross but after an hour it feels like I have too much energy inside me .but he never Told me what it is

there was special diets and routines planned for me everyday

I was just a puppet there is always someone to pull the string

I saw sai coming towards me

now I'm thinking about it, I never noticed how good looking he is as a male model

"kid your life depends on today ,if you fail remember what master told you "

I felt a chill run down my spine but when I saw Nancy all the emotions converged into anger

I remembered how I was beaten up by her

she still had that challenging smirk on her face

that drives me insane .I hate it !

Mr X was sitting in his chair relaxed as if he is gonna watch a movie or does his love cat fight ?

we were in to our position I remembered all the things that sei taught me I looked deep into her eyes and I can sense her irritation

we bowed and she attacked first and all I did was defend my self a few guys in the field was cheering for her

but for a second something flashed across my mind it wasn't clear but it some voice

that one second was enough for Nancy ,a kick land right on my stomach .

I groaned but this time I didn't fly

my anger doubled but the voice in my head was bothering me.. after a few attacks I stayed there just defending my self she seems to be loosing her energy but she still continued to fight

I was concentrating on her each and every moves and her attacking styles she always had a similar style and a week point her left shoulder she was trying to shield that particular spot also she tries to confuse her opponent with giving wrong hope

so I decided to play along the act

' if she wants to play then let's play'

once I gave the wrong feeling of being tired I saw her eyes shimmer just when she was about to give me her finishing blow

I slightly move back and before she could look in to my eyes

I gave my best move the tornado kick she was fallen on the ground I taught she will get up and start fighting again but even after waiting for five seconds she didn't

is she dead?

I looked at sai I can see him grinning from ear to ear

is that it all are gonna stand there and not gonna check on Nancy?

ignoring everyone I walked towards her

"stop go back to your room "

I turned my head and saw Mr X but the chilling aura around him has faded. but it's not warm either .

I gave him a confused look


before I could respond sai pushed me from my back indicating me to walk forward I did so I turned back and saw Nancy still on the ground

but I wasn't feeling guilty at all

"kid did you know what you just did? "

I looked at him, he continued

"Nancy was the first one chosen two years ago before that she was just a normal disciple like others but when she was sent for the mission she couldn't full fill it so master decided to choose you "

"me? but why"

"today it proves that you are worth giving a try if you could finish the job perfectly you can have a perfect life like other but.... not so normal "

"what do you mean? "

"you will be given few missions to complete. if you successfully complete them you can have anything you want that's the offer master have"

"anything? "

he gave me a confused look

"anything other than leaving emerald clan"

I taught for a second

"well then since I won today I would like to have a name I'm sick of everyone calling me KID"

"wish granted .....well then I'll call you 201"


"there have been 200 people who fought against Nancy and finally you won so... "

"I wish you could give me a proper name since I'm soon going to have a normal life then ...."

he chuckled

"I like your confidence but it's not that simple "

"and about giving you a name II have a better option "