I have a name now

he lead me to Mr X's study

"are you kidding me sai? Mr X would never do that he is.....

the door was opened by sei before I could complete what I was saying

Mr X was looking out side the window he look calm just like how he was when I meet him here last time

Sei pushed me forward

"what is it? "

the voice was still the rumbling of thunder to me

I reassured sai is still behind me

"Umm... Mr X I would like to ask you something do you mind giving me a name ?"

there was silence

was it weird?

"why do you want one "

"well everyone has a name here except me. so just trying to be normal.. "

I heard him chuckle

"okay then what do you want me to call you "

I grinned

"any name except kid "

I can feel sei trying to hide his laughter

"why don't we call her 201 it's easy right "

I turned my head towards sei and gave him a warning wide smile he suddenly looked elsewhere

" yeah you can have it "

I was shocked

"Mr X I actually need a proper name like a real name not a number "

he turned around and said

"well then let's make it Bernice "

"Bernice?... I like it "

I turned to sei and winked at him

"but what does it mean?" I acted curious

"both of you can leave "

I frowned... at lest I have a name now

"sei y is Mr X always so cold? "

he gave me a wide expression

"COLD? he is so nice to you .you have no idea how he actually is. and ,for the reason you will know that soon"

sei and I was gradually becoming very good friends well now I have a friend I was happy

I ran down the stairs and went into my room checked my computer



OMG does that mean he have faith in me? whatever. I gotta finish this mission and have a normal life soon

my training continued with out a break

then I got to know about sei

there are a lot of things about him

Mr X saved sei when he was seven from a group of gangster's who were very cruel and tortured him too much. finally when he was saved he was let go free.

but he refused and decided to follow Mr X. he has completely dedicated his life for him he is twenty one he was trained personally by Mr X

he don't have any idea about his family he says he can't remember their face

a whole week passed and I haven't seen Nancy so I decided to ask sei I walked around in search of him finally a maid told me he was In the gym

since I didn't want to make the situation awkward I decided to put on my gym clothes it was a black sports bra a jacket on top of it and a similar leggings which has white strips on both the side. I had a water bottle with me as well

I entered the gym the only voice I can hear was the metal clinging to each other and it was him and he was groaning in stress when he came to my vision .

I saw him wearing a black fit trousers his eyes were shut tight each time he lift the weight .

his body was covered in sweat his jaws clenched

I don't know how much long I stood there looking at him suddenly heard a thud on the floor

it was my bottle I bend down to pick it up. but when I looked up sei was gone! I shook my head and left out a deep sigh and turned around

then my head hit on something hard but wet.

when I realized I moved back and hit my leg on the machine leg behind me

before I could fall down sei held me tight behind my back. suddenly some unclear images flashed across my mind just like the voice I had in my head when I fought with Nancy

when he realized I wasn't moving he started to speak

"are you okay? "

"well I have seen the same scene two days back in a movie .so ,this does happen in real life?"

he smiled sheepishly pulled me to stand up straight that's when I saw he had a dimple on his right cheek it can be seen only when he smile like that

I looked away quickly

"so why are you here? "

oh crap I'm caught red-handed but I decided to continue the act

"to workout "

"really? then why do I feel like you where trying to sneak away from here "

"I wasn't .i didn't want to disturb you so I decided to leave "

"you won't Bernice "

I looked at him in surprise no body has ever called me by that name

just then he suddenly put his hands around my shoulder I shrieked

when I started to do my workout he said

"you should take of them it would be hard to workout with a jacket on "

then I reluctantly removed it. I caught him staring at me but I didn't mind

he helped me lift weights since I never it before after a couple of workout we where both tired

he was panting heavily

I couldn't help but think that he is just five years older than me but his strength and reflex is awesome

"pass me the bottle "

"bottle..? oh.. yes"

I stood up and grabbed the bottle when I looked at him his skin was shining like a mirror with all the sweat on his body I shook my head and gave him the bottle

water drops where dripping from his mouth running down his abdomen I looked away and was about to leave when I suddenly remembered why I came here

me; "I haven't seen Nancy for a while where is she? "

sei: "after all that happened, you still care about her kid?"

I narrowed my gaze

me: "it's not that I care, I'm just curious !"

"and stop calling me kid I have name now. you see"

I acted like a tough Thug

sei chuckled

sei:"we let her go "

me: "what does that suppose to mean?" I couldn't understand him clearly

sei: "since she failed to complete the mission master decided to find some one who can defeat her since you succeed, the mission is on you now .and more over your age is perfect too so.. "

me:"wait what do you mean the perfect age?"

sei: "didn't you know about Nolan? "

me:"I guess not "

sei:"the picture of a kid In masters study. "

me:"I asked him he said its none of my business "

sei:"then it is what it is "

then he started walking away

me:"sei but I wanna know "

sei: "you will know everything when you beat me in the field "

and then he disappeared

'great just great ' I taught to myself