Something is definitely wrong

"Do you have any idea why he called us here, he said it's urgent, do you think he's dying" said a tall handsome tanned man with a side parted black hair, it was Gui Yingjie.

"I have no idea why he asked us to come here" replied a tall, strong sturdy man with a buzz cut, it was Chen Nainzhu.

"Why don't we just wait for him and ask him when he comes, I'm sure he's fine, he's a grown man" said an equally tall handsome man with his brown hair tied into a man bun, he's Lei Tengfei.

"Hey waiter, can we get some shots" said Jian Junjie while putting his legs on the table "you guys should try to loosen up sometimes, yo Nainzhu you just back from the barracks you should just relax and get laid, I bet you're still a virgin, let me introduce some girls to you" said Jian Junjie.

"Shut up and mind your business, Junjie" replied Chen Nainzhu

"No can't do, your business is my business Nainzhu" said Jian Junjie

"And you Yingjie, can you stop acting like our mother look at you, you're worst than Nainzhu at least he has an excuse to be single but you, you have women throwing themselves at you but you never even give them a second look now I'm even worried you're going to die a virgin, but not on my watch you will not die a virgin Yingjie!" continue Jian Junjie.

"Oh my God Junjie, have you been drinking?" asked Gui Yingjie with a worried look on his face "how many times do I have to tell you to stop drinking, you might end up getting liver cancer, heart diseases, high blood pressure any of this could endanger your life if it isn't treated so....."

"This is exactly what I'm talking about.... *hiccup* your acting like my mother" said Jian Junjie cutting Gui Yingjie as off while he was talking

"Tengfei when are you going to stop being so damn grumpy, every time I look you, you remind me of a grumpy old man, that's why women stay away from, I can blame them though even I would be repelled away from such a grumpy man like you if I were to be a woman, but all you need is a bright charming smile on that grumpy face of yours" said Jian Junjie while trying to stretch Lei Tengfei's face into a smile but was only met with an annoyed look from Lei Tengfei

"Fuck off, you reek of alcohol" said Lei Tengfei

"Be nice Tengfei" said Gui Yingjie

"I know he didn't mean that, he loves me" said Jian Junjie while trying to hug Lei Tengfei

"Get away from me bro" said Lei Tengfei while pushing drunk Jian Junjie

Just then, Liu Changming walked into the room, immediately he got into the room he picked up three shots and drank them at a go.

"Ok something is definitely wrong with him" said Gui Yingjie

"Yup, i agree" said Chen Nainzhu

"Same here" Lei Tengfei added

"Jian Junjie, think's so too" Jian Junjie slurred

"Oh Junjie is really drunk, who's gonna take him home, not me" said Lei Tengfei

Jian Junjie only talks about himself in third person when he's really really drunk.

"I'm not doing it either" Chen Nainzhu added

"Alright I'll do it" Gui Yingjie said

"You can just call his manager you know" Lei Tengfei suggested

"Waaaaaaaa waaaaaa waaaaaa" sobs Jian Junjie "she said I'm ugly, she called me an ugly uncle" Jian Junjie continued

"Who did?" Asked Gui Yingjie

"This girl" said Jian Junjie as he struggles to remember Qian Lifen's name

"He probably just met one of his anti-fan, that's why he's drinking and whining like a little bitch, he needs to grow up" said Lei Tengfei in a dismissive manner unknown to him that he was gonna get his own share of insults from that anti-fan in the future.

From the sidelines, Liu Changming kept drinking, he was tired and coupled with the fact that he couldn't get the shameless woman called Qian Lifen out of his mind, he was a bit stressed, "why do I even remember her name, I barely remember people's name" Liu Changming thought as he drank a glass of whiskey, Liu Changming barely remembers people's name, all he has to do is ask his assistant if a person's name when he needs to know their name.

"So why are we here?, Changming" Lei Tengfei asked

"I just didn't want to drink alone and it's been a long time since we meet up, also Chen Nainzhu is in back and we haven't meet up with him" Liu Changming replied

"Did Changming just say more than 15 words that isn't work related at a go?" Asked Lei Tengfei

"Yup something is definitely wrong with Changming" said Gui Yingjie

"Yup i agree one hundred percent" Chen Nainzhu added

"What are we agreeing with?" Drunk Jian Junjie asked

"Shut up Junjie" everyone said at the same time

"Why is everyone bullying Jian Junjie" said Jian Junjie as he starts to sob again

Everyone decided to pay no attention to dramatic drunk Jian Junjie and decided to get Liu Changming drunk so they could find out what happened to him, because they knew he wouldn't tell them anything if he was sober.

After about 15 minutes of continuous drinking, Liu Changming finally got drunk his friends immediately took the opportunity to ask him what happened

"Can you imagine after she shamelessly seduced me and tried to have sex with me and she puked on me too, I even got her new clothes and changed her clothes she still had the guts to try to make me feel like a pervert and then she wants me to be her sugar daddy, so what if she's got a sexy body, I've got a sexy body too, i don't want to think about her but why does her pretty face and her lacy bra keeps flashing through my mind" said Liu Changming drunkenly as he sighs heavily and proceeds to down the cup of whiskey "any of you have some pointers on how to get rid of a shameless woman out of your mind" Liu Changming asked " hey Jian Junjie you're the expert with women, any clue on how to do that?" Asked Liu Changming as he passed out

"Karrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Jian Junjie was already asleep and snoring loudly as he sprawled on the couch.

"So he's drinking because he's stressed out about a woman he just met" said Lei Tengfei

"It seems like that's what happened" Chen Nainzhu said

"How interesting will it be if they meet again" said Lei Tengfei with a sinister smile on his face

"Don't do anything funny, Tengfei" Gui Yingjie said with a knowing look on his face

"What!, don't look at me like that, it's obvious that he has a crush on her, the Liu Changming I know has never had a crush on a girl, it will be fun to see how things are going to go between them" said Lie Tengfei "and from what he said, it seems like this girl loves money all I need is the perfect bait and she'll be right where I want her to be" Lei Tengfei continued "all we have to do is just sit back and watch as their relationship grow or as he kicks her away either way it will be fun" concluded Lei Tengfei

"Tengfei, this isn't one of you dramas that you're directing this is real life and what do you think if Changming finds out what you're going to do" said Gui Yingjie

"Just don't tell him then" Lei Tengfei said

"Who's going to take these drunk men home?" Asked Chen Nainzhu as he breaks the tension between Lei Tengfei and Gui Yingjie

"I'll take Junjie home, one of you can take Changming home" said Gui Yingjie

"I'll take Changming home" Chen Nainzhu said

"So it's settled then, I'll go make preparations, good night tomorrow is going to be a good day" said Lei Tengfei

Knowing what it meant by that they both prayed for Lei Tengfei because they knew if Liu Changming found out what he might do he was going to beat the shit out of him, Liu Changming has always been the strongest among them, he's even stronger than Chen Nainzhu who is in the army.

Picking up the person they're to take home they all went their different ways.