Old man

In the morning Liu Changming woke up with a massive headache, he tried get off the bed as he groaned in pain, he opened his eyes but his view was a bit darkened he rubs his eyes and yawns, with his eyes wide open he looked around, he was in a familiar room, he was in Chen Nainzhu's room, then he remembered he had invited his friends to drink but he ended up getting drunk and telling them about Qian Lifen then he blacked out.

"Shit! They'll never let me hear the end of it" he thought as he ran his hands through his hair.

After washing his mouth and taking a bath, he put on one of Chen Nainzhu's clothes, heads out of the the room and went to the gym, he knew Chen Nainzhu was going to be in the gym

"Good morning Nainzhu!!" He said as he walked towards Chen Nainzhu who was doing push ups.

"Hey Changming, You're awake" Chen Nainzhu said as he stops doing the push ups, picks up his towel and wipe the sweat off his face and bare chest.

"Yeah, where's my phone?" Liu Changming asked.

"Oh it's on the table in the living room I just dropped it there when we came in la......" without waiting for Chen Nainzhu to finish talking Liu Changming walked out of the gym towards the sitting room, he picks up his phone and dials a number.

"Come pick me up at Nainzhu's apartment, right now!!" Liu Changming said into his phone and then hangs up immediately.

"Aye, why are you in such a hurry to leave?" Chen Nainzhu asked.

"I've got work to do" Liu Changming said as he adds sugar to his coffee and stirs it.

With that Chen Nainzhu kept quiet as he knew it was useless to press further.

After about 15 minutes, there was a knock on the door then a voice rang out.

"Sir,I'm here" Ye Yuan said.

"That's my cue,I'll see you later" Liu Changming said as he walked towards the door.

After having a good night sleep Qian Lifen decided to start making her budget she thought of moving to a smaller place to save money but then she doesn't really know anything about renting houses in China, in her past life she lived in London,Italy, Germany, Russia and she once stayed in South Africa for a while and she didn't have to take care of her housing expenses, the mafia family she was working in took care of it so she decided to ask Wei Zemin for help since he was the only one she knew and he seemed like a nice guy. So she picks up her phone and invites him for lunch at her house and he agreed.

At around 2:00 in the afternoon, Wei Zemin arrived at her house, Qian Lifen already cooked some rice and some side dishes, after they finished eating, Qian Lifen decided to ask him if he knew where she could get a smaller place for a cheap price.

"You could come live at my place?" Wei Zemin offered.

"Huh" Qian Lifen said confused

"I've got a spare room,it should big enough and I've got two toilets and bathroom and you can use my kitchen I barely use it anyways" Wei Zemin said

"Oh thanks, so how much do I have to pay monthly?" Qian Lifen asked.

"Oh no no no, you don't have to pay, we're friends after all" Wei Zemin replied

"Are you sure?, I don't want to impose"Qian Lifen said.

"It's alright, that's what friends are for right?" Wei Zemin said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you so much!" Qian Lifen said as she felt relieved that she solved her housing problem but on the other hand felt a bit weird about moving into a single guy's apartment but then she made a mental note to move out as soon as she can.

"When can I move in?" She asked

"You can move in anytime you want, you can even move in today" Wei Zemin replied.

"Oh ok, I'm going to move in tomorrow" Qian Lifen said.

"So do you want to come look at the room now?" Wei Zemin asked.

"If it's convenient for you, then yes" Qian Lifen replied.

"Ok let's go!" Wei Zemin said

After changing into a jean trousers and a custard coloured hoodie Qian Lifen and Wei Zemin headed to his house.

Wei Zemin's house was just about 15 minutes away from Quan Lifen's apartment, after riding his motorcycle for about 10 minutes they got to his place, after parking his motorcycle in the garage they both headed to the elevator and exited the elevator on the 7th floor, they stop in front of the second door on the left side of the floor, after he puts in passcode for the door they stepped into the living room, as Qian Lifen steps into the room the scent of lavender hits her nose, she felt quite relaxed as she walked into Wei Zemin's apartment, the apartment was quite spacious and the kitchen looked really nice and the room she was going to be staying in was quite big and spacious so she doesn't have to worry about her things not fitting in there, it's not like the original Qian Lifen owns that much things. After exploring Wei Zemin's apartment, Qian Lifen decided to go back home and get ready to move but then something hit her 'she hasn't told Xia Xiaoli that she moving out of the apartment' with this in her head she decided to call Xia Xiaoli when she gets back home.

After Wei Zemin gave her a ride back home, when she got inside she immediately got her phone to call Xia Xiaoli but then she recalled that when she was going through the original Qian Lifen's memories, there was a part where Xia Xiaoli told the original Qian Lifen that she was going to have her exams soon and this week happened to be the week Xia Xiaoli's exam starts, so she decided not to tell her that she was moving out because she might get distracted since Xia Xiaoli really cares about the original Qian Lifen, but she still called her anyway just to make sure she isn't getting worried. After a very short conversation with Xia Xiaoli, Qian Lifen decided to pack her stuff and she rented a storage unit for 6 months to store the things she didn't need after packing up she decided eat out instead of cooking since she already packed all her plates and put them in the storage unit. After walking around for a bit Qian Lifen found a noodle place and decided to eat there since she was really hungry but when she got into the place there was not space to sit apart from a sit in front of sad looking old man that looked like he's in his 60s, so she decided to order and sit with the man. Thinking that it's going to be rude to just sit in front of the old man without introducing herself, Qian Lifen decided to introduce herself.

"Hi my name is Qian Lifen, I hope you don't mind, I'm going to be sitting here for a while" she said as she settled in the sit in front of the chair in front of the old man.

Without even raising his head the old man continued to slurp his noddles slowly .

"Ok, I'll take that as a go ahead sign" she said as she made herself comfortable in the chair.

After waiting for like three minutes she got her serving of noodles, she picked up her chopsticks and takes a bit out of the noodles.

"Hmmmmmmmmm, old man this noodles taste good" she said to the old man but she was only met with silence

After she finishes eating her noodles she asked for another serving of noodles and with it she asked for a bottle of baijiu(1) with two cups

When she got her order, she opens the bottle of baijiu and pours some into both cups and sets one of the cups in front of the old man in front of her.

"You should drink, I can see that you're sad, you should let go of whatever is making you sad" she said as she drinks from her cup and pushes the cup into the old mans hand. The old man thought for a while, then decided to drink the baijiu.

They both continued to drink, with the old man not saying a word and Qian Lifen doing all the talking, she told him about how she almost got married to a man twice her age and how she's trying to seduce Liu Changming, while she was telling him about Liu Changming the old man chuckled a bit and she chuckled too until it turned into a full blown laughter. Suddenly Qian Lifen got serious and her face got a bit sad and gloomy as she thought of her past life, she found out that today is the original Qian Lifen's birthday when her best friend Xia Xiaoli texted her happy birthday in the evening when she was packing up her things, thinking about it now her life now is quite similar to her past life, in her past life she use to celebrate her birthday with her grandmother but when her grandmother died no one one wished her happy birthday and no one celebrated her birthday with her, the only difference from her past life to this was that there is someone who wished her a happy birthday.

"Today is my birthday, do you wanna go dancing" she suddenly asked the old man in front of her

The old man shakes his head

"Come on grandpa, it's will be fun" she said as she grabbed his hand, but as she said 'grandpa' the old man raised his head his face was a bit wet.

"Old man are you alright?" She asked with a worried look on her face.

"No I'm alright, can you call me grandpa again" the old man said as he sniffles

"Grandpa, I was starting to think you don't talk" she said with a smile on her face Qian Lifen wanted to ask him about his family but she decided against it and decided to cheer the old man up even though she felt a bit tipsy.

"Grandpa, let go dancing ok" she said in a spoilt voice as she acted cute

After contemplating for a bit the old man decided to go with her. As they were going to the club down the street Qian Lifen felt that someone was following them, so she whispered to the old man and said "there're people following us I'll lure them out, you should call for help" she said as she puts him in a comer and headed out to confront their stalkers before the old man could stop her.


(1) baijiu is a Chinese colourless alcohol