Crew Meet and a Mission.

Of course I would not meet just my crew. Just them first and snag the best beds as over the next fifteen minutes the rest of the platoon. Even managing to meet the last remaining squad leader name Mowe. A thin, pale man with sharp features and black hair that hung down past his cheeks. My senses giving me a warning.

After all the arrangements were made and bunking areas were assigned we all gathered in a half circle in a cramped room ment to hold meetings. Only with a dozen less people as half of the people were kneeling so everyone could see the white board in front of with our commander.

"Alright fellows. We have a mission already, given to us by the Gendral himself." That of course got grumbles and complaints from the crew. Especially me. "Shut up. I know already."

Silence reined supreme as Murphy continued. "A dust bowl of a planet is where we are headed. Breathable atompshere but barely. Full suits with masks are going to be used. The location is a small village inside a Crater, only the side are more sheer cliffs."

Pointing to the board finally, a rough sketch of the Village was drawn out. Barely a dozen buildings with the largest in the center that held not only the power generator for the whole place, but communications as well.

"Communication went dark last week and the Marines want to know what is going on. Hence why we are going first. I will bring the ship to blow orbit and you will be dropping down on the Transport shuttle with Alex now be assigned as the pilot. She drove freight for a dozen years and has the most experience."

Alex nodded at the statement before Murphy continued again. "The mission is Search and Rescue and Destroy if enemy combatants are found. Most likely either unknown Alien life forms or Pirates. I am just the driver here and you lot will plan the rest after we get low. Good luck." The men and women parted as Murphy exited the cramped room.

I was the first to speak up. "My paranoia radar says Full Battle Rattle is necessary. Though I can. it help but notice the lack of any heavy weaponry besides a mounted gun?"

Glenn only nodded. "Yup, after digging for a bit it seems the Wildcats do not get paid in credits. We scavenge what we can get and I'd the body happens to have credits we take them. We have 'Standard' Rifle 3 Generation ago with the same 'Standard' Armor to boot. Grenades are going to be are best friend along with a crate of claymores."

Grunts and grumbles came out once again. "Scavenge and trade. The pirates life for us eh? In all seriousness though the next time we hit a supply depot we are getting some new gear damn it." I said.

"Damm straight. Maybe I can help some Techs around with some ship repairs for favors. Was going in the academy for Engineering after all." Gleelnn spoke.

"We will see what we can do as well." The other squad leaders spoke up. "But first let's get this battle plan rolling." Alex pointed at the North western cliff. "This spot can see straight in to the middle of town. Since the two rows of building are in a L shape we can either hit two separate sides or split in half in one area."

Mowe spoke up. "I am. A. sharpshooter of sorts." The man's word were cutt of as if he spoke a bit slower then the average Joe. "Most of. My squad is. As well."

"Good. we can put you guys up on the cliff face. Most of the rifles can still hit 1000m meters in that gen. The height advantage will help to." I pointed at the lower row of buildings. "As much as I would love to spread out and search quickly I say we do Squad to Squad building clear. Do not need easy picking for whatever us out there."

Most nodded. Others added. "What about the center building?"

"That lovely building is last. Rather search the house first and not get caught in a ambush where our backs are nice, big, red painted targets. If they do that before hand at least we will have whole buildings for cover and overwatch from the Marksman squad above. If all else fails these houses seem to have roof access and we can do a hot evac there."

I looked over to Alex. "Going to assume since your a pilot you at least looked at the specs for your new toy?" The woman nodded. "Armored but anything bigger then Small arms is going to turn the ship in to mush."

"Crystal clear. Alright fellows we seem to have a decent plan. Back up plan for A and B us we throw enough grenades to flatten a couple buildings while fighting for are lives. We all clear?" The platoon all nodded as we headed out to prepare for the first of many missions.