There not my Footprints! I Swear!

Full Battle Rattle in the military was more or less saying. 'Everything plus Grenades. And maybe a few more Magazines. Oh! That Rocket launcher to' except we were missing the latter sadly.

Putting on the Mk.2 armor was like the old 21st century soldier plate carriers. Only remove the plate and make the whole chest armor one whole piece made out of a flexible metal. It looked like a weird mix of old Medieval knight armor and Old Tech. A Alice rig was put over it for holding magazines and grenades alike.

Our uniform was more or less cloth and I was sure even a butter knife would go through it and piece a artery. Next up were the helmets which looked much more up to date except without all the extra sensors and less armored.

The front of it was a type of plastic that was tougher then the glass and plastic mix counter parts of the old days. The armor of it coming up to the nose to give as much protection as possible and leaving only the eyes. The plastic curving towards the ears to keep the peripheral view not to limited.

Both the armor and helmet were a dull dark gray. To match the whole outfit for collars was the Mk.2 Spitter. More or less a hopped up rail gun that could hold more ammo and had a full auto setting. Shooting out slivers of metal at stupid speeds. I was not going to explain the whole specs on the damn thing thank you.

Each magazine held a whopping 80 rounds that could be gone in about 3-6 seconds depending on how much your rifle liked you. Most of them having technical issues with chambering the larger round for such a small chamber.

Luckily our now assigned, more volentold, squad leader Glenn became are weapon tech. The month of travel time to this planet giving him ample time to tinker and improve the minut problems. As years ago the issue was found and fixed with the Mk.3 editoration. The knowledge public except for Mk.4 and up. That was just a matter of time though.

Along with gearing up and being the only real person with combat experience in the rag tag group of Wildcats I had everyone run safety drills and beginner level squad tactics. Just the basic stuff of 'Hey! Dont point that muzzle towards me! And make sure to cover this guys back or you both might get shot."

It was quite successful as everyone had firearm training and the group tactics would only go better the more they used. A bit of actually live fire would help..or kill them all.

The day soon arrived where we arrived at the planet and we all lined up and began filtering in to the Transport Shuttle. The lovely Alex at the help and the Squad leaders stacked up in order of who would get out first. First being Mowa.

"So, did we manage to snag anymore detail off from command?" Command being Murphy here. "Not a thing. Though I overheard after this we are heading straight in to another mission." Glenn said.

"Shit. Overtime in the office much? Do we even have enough ammo if this turns in to a fire fight?" Mowa spoke up then. "About 15000 rounds. two boxes." Not enough in my mind. "Explosives?" They were the most important. "Enough for everyone to have 4 for this mission only." Glenn chipped in.

Definetly not enough.

"Alright! When we hit port who here is willing to suck dick for more grenades?!" I attempted in a possible joke. "Only for the good ones Sergeant!" Flint replied. "Good man! You may save us all yet!" A chuckle erupted in the small yet still slightly roomy shuttle.

One of Glenn squad tossed out another "All in favor of making this the new meeting room?" Many Aye'd at that when someone else added. "Least we got seats and air conditioning!" More chuckling as the combat tension settled in.

The rocking came as the Shuttle went through orbit. The lack of atmosphere not causing to much of a issue and after five minutes boosters kicked in and Mowa's squad hit the ground with guns forward as the shuttle door opened. Everyone's first view of the Canyon/Desery looking planet before it closed and both Glenn's and my squad were dropped off in the crater.

The quick change of plans yesterday was that Alex and her squad would stay in the shuttle for a aerial view and additional forces should Mowa squad get in trouble. "Go, Go, Go!" Soon a half moon shaped formation of shoulders kneeling formed outside the back shuttle entrance, searching for targets before I hit the side and yelled. "All good!" Rushing forward as I got clear of the closing ramp.

The first thing noticed after the take off and background noise of the shuttles engines was the silence. Only the blowing wind scattering sand and dust being the only thing heard.

We were still half a kick out but still, we were quite noisy on our landing and any survivors should have heard and said something. More paranoia.

"Glenn. You take the upper section. We have the lower." The radios built in to the helmets were a amazing thing. Picking up even a whispering voice in stealth missions. "Copy." was my reply. A quick gesture and both squads were moving towards a place that was suppose to be populated.

Not even a few minutes in to the rucking was when the first report came in. "Sergeant. Got tracks. Weird ones that I swear aren't mine or Flint's." Flint having the largest feet of the group as he wore a 16. Large bastard. "Description?" I shot back.

"Looks like a Chickens? Only twelve times larger?" Joy. Possible Alien menise?

My squad hit the first building another few minutes later as we stacked up on the side. "Both sides clear but we have more tracks heading around the back of the houses." Smith the rookie said. "Copy. Keep your head on a swivel and watch that angle like your girlfriend's pussy depends on it." Tapping him on the shoulder I quickly turned around. "Flint, Jenn, clear this building while I radio up." Both men nodded as they stacked up on the door and entered silently. The door already unlocked.

Watching the other side of the house that was looking towards the center of the village. Radioing Glenn as looked around At the sheet metal and mud covered houses. They living quarters looking like a desert place from a certain sci fi, lightsaber dueling, blaster firing movie from back in the day.

"Razor this is Raptor. Got more tracks that seem to be circling. Break. Around the perimeter of the village. How is your end?" Peering at the center Generator/Com building I soon noticed the boarded up windows before my com on.

"This is Razor. Same here. One of my guys report that it is fresh. Few days old at most." Alien menise. Betting my nonexistant credits on it. "Razor to Apollo. Anything on your end?"

"Affirmative on that. Got what looks to be a tunnel leading I. to the cliff face to your direct east." Silence only lasted a few seconds after that. "Sensors say it is man made. Wait one for more info."

Bugger. We got a cliche movie mission?! Scientists or people find something weird. Dig where they are not suppose to and find weird shit ready to eat and kill them. Our luck.

The sound of a Radio tapping twice was heard then. My squads silent alarm or weird shit button. "Smith. Insides the house and watch are asses. Close the door behind you to." Waiting as he attacked up on me I enter and checked my corners and sliced my pie. Never hurt to be cautious as I soon headed up the stairs.

A small area meet me with two doors going in to separate areas. both closed and with my men watching one with guns raised and ready. "Got noises from this one." Was heard over the radio before I nodded As we stacked up again and entered as quiet as we could.

What met us was a room that seem to have seen a hurricane or two and a small, blonde hair girled that could not be more then 5. Guns quickly lowered as I put my finger over my helmeted face. "Flint. Jenn. Watch windows." both men followed orders as I walked slowly to the girl. "Hey little one. What's your name." Her hiding spot behind a wrecked drawer was not the best place to be honest.

The little girl shook her head as the blonde curls shook around her head. "Be quiet?" I asked. She nodded. A look to both fellow told them what they needed to do as they propped there guns on the side of windows. A c clamp giving additional support. "Could you tell me where everyone went?" The girl silently nodded and pointed towards the center building. So. boarded windows was quite the sign.

"Razor to Raptor we found-" My radio was interrupted by are CAS. "Break. Break. Break. Contacts detected coming from the tunnel. Counting possibly three dozen. Sensors are ineffective and having to use nocks to see them."

"Raptor copys Apollo. Raptor will hold fire until effective ambush is ready or we are calling for a hot evac." Razor replied a minute later as I silently cursed and stared at the girl. "Alright little one. Time to get you out of here."