Lunch with Father

The meeting was adjourned but James followed Lena to her office. They still had yet to sign their contract.

Lena handed him the contract so he can look over it. The terms and conditions were reasonable. However, what struck James was that the pay was a bit higher than what Shen Mao paid him before. With a quick glance, Lena could tell that was what James was hesitant on.

"Are you questioning the pay rate?"

"I am sorry, but I don't think I deserve this much."

"You are worth that much, even more, if I could offer you the proper amount. It's because you will be with me more when I am handling more personal things. I cannot promise that protecting me from now on will be less risky than before. I am going to be responsible for your life as much as you are going to be with mine."

"Has Miss. Shen found the person who wanted to harm you?"

"Not exactly. That's why I need you even more."

James understood what Lena meant. He nodded, signed the contract and left. Lena told him that he can have the next two days off before they go to City Z. Lena had yet to tell her father about this.

Lena worked diligently to finish some paperwork so she could take the "break." She sent her program to a new team of developers to finish it. Reaching out to support young adults in their early careers was the best way to pave their loyalty. It was similar to how Lena and Gary were when they were in college.

It was a risky move to invest in young and new developers, however, they are the most motivated during that time. They also are in need of money too so she didn't have to pay them too much. Lena killed two birds with one stone.

If all goes well, with this, she will be able to design faster and more proficient. This means that the partnership with LUX will also go more smoothly.

It was 11 a.m. when Lena put down her work and stepped out of her office. She had planned to leave early to have lunch with her father.

She first stopped by at one of her father's favorite restaurants. She had already ordered some before and only needed to pick them up.

When she arrived at her father's company, she quickly accessed the CEO elevator and floored up to the highest floor. The door opened and Secretary Sandra greeted Lena.

Sandra works under Henry, and whenever he is away for other business instructed by my father, Sandra took over Henry's work.

"Had my father eat yet?" Lena asked.

"No." Sandra replied.

"Anything scheduled for after lunch?"

"His earliest meeting is in three hours."

"Ok. Make sure no one bothers us."

Sandra nodded and opened the door for Lena. Lena walked in and noticed that his dad was on the phone. She smiled at her father who looked up to see her come in.

"I understand. I will call you back you later." Shen Mao hung up the call and smiled back at his daughter. "I must be dreaming to see my daughter here, bringing me lunch."

"You're funny. Mother is out today and Henry is gone too, I was sure that you would skip your meals without them."

"You caught me."

Lena head to a smaller room connected to the main office. She placed down the food and uncover them from their containers.

"I see that you only ordered the best!"

"I would always cook and bring your lunch instead. But, working life has no free time like in the past."

Shen Mao chuckled. "You did, huh."

Shen Mao sat down and they both enjoyed a light lunch together. Lena told her father about the program she was working on and how that will improve the development with the LUX partnership.

Shen Mao was astonished to learn that Lena had such skills. His daughter had continued to surprise him a lot lately.

"There is something that I want to ask you for permission." Lena asked.

"I knew you were up to something. You would never bring me free food without asking something in return. Is it about you moving out?"

"No, it is not that. It is about the disease on the vineyards."

Shen Mao put down his chopsticks. "Did Henry tell you about that?"

"No. I found out about it myself. DId you think I wouldn't find out?"

"I didn't want to bother you with it. You had enough going on your end of things."

"Dad." Lena reached out her hands and placed them on top of her father's. "You can't keep hiding everything troubling matter away from me. I will find them sooner or later. I am a big girl now, I can take it."

Shen Mao cleared his throat. "I just fear that you would hate your father."

"I would never hate you. I am not that cheeky teenager anymore."

"What do you want to do about the disease?" Shen Mao asked. He picked up his chopsticks again and started eating.

"I don't know yet. But I want to go with Henry to go and evaluate the problem. I had not also visited grandma for a long time."

"Alright. I will call your grandfather later to tell that you will be visiting soon."

"Thank you, father. I will continue to work hard."