Grandpa and Grandma Shen

Shen Mao had insisted that Lena take their private jet but she rejected the offer. Lena said that it was a fun experience if she had taken the jet. Additionally, it was just a few hours until they arrived at City Z.

Her grandparents sent someone from the farm to come and pick her up.

On the car ride, Lena was reading on more information on plants and diseases so she would at least know somewhat about the situation. When they reached the countryside, she took the time to enjoy the peaceful scenery.

"Is this your first time in City Z?" Lena asked James who was sitting in front with the driver.

"No. This would be my fourth time here."

"Really? Me too." Lena smiled. "I despise coming here. I considered it punishment every time my parents sent me here."

"Old Madam Shen was really shocked that Miss. Shen was coming to visit this time." The driver spoke.

"One time, I went outside and tossed all my clothes in the river. I thought that if I did that, grandma would buy me new clothes. But instead, grandma said that if I have no clothes then I would be wearing her clothes instead because there were no shopping malls." Lena laughed. "It was the first time I jumped into a river and washed my own clothes."

"I could see that as something Miss. Shen would do." James finally smiled.

When they entered the large land of farms owned by the Shen family, Lena was excited to meet her grandparents on good terms this time.

We got near the main house, Lena already spotted her grandparents waiting outside to greet her. The car stopped and without waiting for someone to open the door, Lena popped out. She quickly ran to give her grandmother a hug!


"My baby! My sweet baby!" Grandma Shen hugged her back.

Lena had to bend low just to hug her grandma. She then released her arms from her grandma and hugged her grandpa. "Grandpa!"

Grandpa Shen grunted. "You spoiled brat, you are finally calling me grandpa instead of old man."

Lena pouted her lips like a small child and shook her head. "No, daddy is a an old man. Grandpa is still very young and handsome!"

Grandpa Shen puffed up his chest. "That's right. He is the old man." He was happy to see his granddaughter so energetic.

Lena release the hug from her grandpa. She scooted aside a bit so James was visible. "This is my bodyguard, James."

James bowed down and greeted the elders. "Nice to meet you, Elder Shen and Old Madam Shen."

"Let me show you to your room. I redecorated since the last time you were here." Grandma Shen spoke to Lena.

Lena followed her into the traditional house. The front had a beautiful garden with a small pond. Lena's room was located in the west wing. She preferred the view of the river.

When they entered the room, the worker who carried her bags gently placed it down and left with the command of Grandma Shen. The room had more plants and pink silk curtains with flowers embroidered to them.

"Did you make the curtains, grandma?" Lena asked.

"I did. But I want to show you this." Grandma Shen walked to the dresser and grabbed out a beautiful qipao. She swung it up and placed it over Lena. "I knew it would look good on you."

The qipao was a rose pink qipao with silver and white flowers embroidered to it. Lena held the dress to herself and walked towards the mirror to look at it.

"It's beautiful, grandma!"

"Of course. You would have such skills too if you were not so stubborn to learn them in the past."

"I think I will stick to embroidering handkerchief." Lena replied.

"Wear that tomorrow. I want you to go up to the mountain shrine with me."

Lena nodded. Grandma Shen left Lena to unpack and decorate her room. She will be called when lunch was ready. James was stationed in a room near her.

Lena opened her window and took a long look at the scenery. She took a deep breath of fresh air. Somehow, she felt that she needed to be here.


The sun had just started to rise when Lena and Grandma Shen headed towards the mountain shrine. James had to stay at the bottom of the shrine to wait for both of them to do their morning prayers.

Lena was wearing the rose pink qipao. Her hair was tied into a bun with a simple hairpin. This entire outfit made her look very young. Lena was surprised that her grandmother had the energy to climb up the stairs of this mountain. The spent a long time in the shrine.

Grandma Shen wanted to stay longer praying, but Lena head out first to look around the shrine. There were a few other people in the shrine too. Because it was still early and the shrine was high up in the mountain, there was a slight hazy fog that started to fade away.

Lena found a chair by a big tree and sat down to rest. But before resting long, she heard a voice called out to her.

"Little girl."