Too much like a woman

The days quickly when every day was a warzone. It was the day of Elder Zhao's birthday. Even though Ming Zhao had personally invited her to attend, she was hesitant to go or not. She did not want to steal his thunder for that day.

However, her parents decided last minute to go visit her grandparents since her grandpa was not feeling well. She wanted to go too, but Shen Mao said that she needed to attend the event to represent the Shen Family. The Zhao family has done a lot to them and they should be respectful and fortunate to them.

For this event, Lena chose a twilight blue dress, with tulle. As always, she chose the most elegant jewelry to match her outfit. She decided on a set of jewelry that will showcase their next seasonal items from AURA.

For her hairstyle, she let it down with some simple curls. She had her front bangs clipped up nicely to the side. She finished her looks with a gentle sweet make-up application.

James texted Lena that he was outside and had already picked up the gifts from the Shen Mansion. Lena quickly grabbed her purse and put on her shoe.

As she arrived on the ground level, she also saw Kris's elevator doors opened. He stepped out dressed in a navy blue suit. He was finishing up buttoning his cuffs.

"Hello, Mr. Li." Lena greeted him.

Kris looked up to see Lena. He had not seen her dressed up in awhile. She mostly wore her business attires and have her hair up. Today, her hair was down and her eyes sparkled with her dress. Kris nodded at her and buttoned the last of his cuff buttons.

"You are dressed…. Quite extra today. Will you be attending Elder Zhao's grand birthday today too?"

Kris did not respond but instead kept looking at her long hair. "You look prettier with your hair up." He finally spoke.

"Hm.. why? I like it down more." Lena touched her hair.

"You look too much like a woman with your hair down." Kris remembered how Tye told him to always think that Lena was Hugh from now on. Just like a man, he said. But with her hair down, she definitely does not look like a man.

Lena was a bit agitated by that comment. 'Is he implying that I look like a man?'

Lena let out a small scoff. This morning, she pulled herself together to pick up the things that he ignorantly left in her home. She even laundry them and put them in a nice bag. She was going to return them to him, but now, she is just going to throw them away.

"Well… Your hair is getting longer now. Are you not going to get a haircut?" She replied.

Kris ignored her comment and walked off. Lena's widen her eyes a bit. He does this too much.

"I guess I'll see you there then!" She yelled out to him. He was already out the door and into the car. Lena gracefully walked, taking her time to get inside her own car.

"You look nice today, Miss. Shen." James greeted her and opened the car door.

"Thank you, James. You are a true man who knows how to compliment a woman." Lena smiled and got into the car.

The Zhao had a few mansions. Ming owned his own, his family has one, and the elders had their own. Lena assumed that Mike Zhao would be having his own one soon too.

The elders' mansion was more outside of the city. They enjoyed the peaceful and calamity for their retirement. It took them a while to arrive at the party. Henry will also be attending the celebration, but he told Lena that he will be coming with his girlfriend. Lena was quite excited to meet her.

Spring was ending soon and summer was around the corner. Today was a bright sunny day with a small spring breeze. The event was held outside. There were many flowers and guest arriving already by the time Lena got there.

She looked around to see if she can spot Henry. She did not, but she saw that Madam Yang was here with Andy and Eva. And more interesting, Mike Zhao's woman of choice was Sophia Tang.

Lena smirked. She guessed that she will have some fun today. 'Sorry Ming Zhao if I steal some of your thunder today.'

Sophia was one of the girls before who she met at the mall when Lena was shopping with Gary. Lena did not get back at them before but she can now.

The Tang family were not as rich as the Shen family but they have a good trading business. She turned to James.

"Make sure you have the presents ready. When I signal you, you have to make a dramatic entrance, ok?" She explained.

"Then, I'll be close by." James knew that Lena like parties not for anything else but to get information on the latest gossip and make her evil plans. He made sure to give her her space but always be attentive to her at every second.

Lena made her way to greet her dragons.

"Hello, Auntie."

"Ah.. Lena- darling." Madam Yang hugged her. "Are you here alone? I did not see your parents?"

"My parents are in City Z visiting my grandpa."

"Oh no.." Madam Yang held Lena's hand. "I heard that Elder Shen was not feeling well. I sure hope he recovers soon."

'Of course, you evil witch. My grandpa is not going to die anytime soon like what you are wishing.' Lena smiled sweetly to hide her thoughts. "Oh don't you worry. Grandpa is probably just faking sickness so my father goes and visits him."

"That may be it. You children talk, I'll be going over there." Madam Yang excused herself and went to chat with some other Madam.

Lena walked to Andy and Eva. With her usual poker face, she greeted them. They casually have a conversation about cake and when their wedding was going to be.

"So Eva is pregnant?" Lena threw that information out.

Andy looked down at Eva in confusion. "Ahahah…" Eva let out a small laugh. "What are you saying?"