Better Quality

"She's not pregnant." Andy firmly spoke.

"I just remember ---"

Before Lena could speak, Eva anxiously interrupted her. "You remembered? From that day about what I said?"

Lena and both gave Eva a weird look. "You said you were pregnant?" Andy asked her.

"I… I…" She looked at Lena but Lena kept her straight poker face. "Lena said she remembered, so I just wanted to know if she remembered that day were we kidnapped together." She held onto Andy's arm. "I really tried to help her and told them to not hurt her."

"Didn't you say you were unconscious the whole time?" Lena taunted.

"I… Andy.."

"I am sorry if I said something I should not have. I only said that you were pregnant because Hazel kept bragging about how quickly you both wanted the wedding and how Eva had been staying at the Yang mansion a lot lately."

"She's not pregnant." Andy swore. "You should know why."

Lena knew that Andy was referring to how adamant he was about no sex before marriage. "I know."

Lena walked and held Eva's hand. "I am sorry for saying that. I won't listen to Hazel's nonsense again. Surely, mei-mei, I can call you that right?" Eva smiled at Lena. "Mei-mei should be patient with big brother Andy. You should not push him for a fast wedding too, especially since there is a problem at the company now. You should be there and support him."

"There is a problem with the company?" Eva looked at Andy concernedly.

Kris threw a curveball to the Yang family. He dug up some information on one of Andy's most famous boy bands and now the news is slowly spreading that the boys were sexually assaulting waitresses. The mainstream news has not yet released much content because Andy had shut them down currently, but he knew that it would get out soon.

Andy had to deal with this problem before it officially got leaked.

"Eva you should not worry about it too much. These are just simple business stuff." Lena assured her. "Andy also has me. I have helped him deal with something like this before and since I have taken over SHYNE, my business works have only improved."

Lena walked over to Andy. "Andy, if you need anything, remember, we are family. Don't be shy to ask for me. You know that I will always be capable to help you with anything."

Lena intentionally rubbed some information so it gets into Eva's mind. Eva was already feeling it. Although she has Andy right with her, she cannot help Andy with anything about the company.

"Oh, Secretary Han has arrived. I will have to go greet him, excuse me."

Lena left a distraught Eva. Andy thought that everything Lena said was pretty normal and did not think any more of it.

"Are you okay?" Andy asked Eva.

"Oh… I am fine. Let's go get something to drink."

Lena had a grin on her face. It felt nice to show Eva that she had chosen the wrong way to be with Andy. Lena pitied Eva. If Eva had kept her kind and gentle heart to be loyal to Andy, they could have been alright together.

It felt fulfilling to know that all along, Lena had always been right about being a better quality than Eva. The old Lena had a great amount of time doubting that her defeat was because she was a lower quality than Eva. Lena felt somewhat satisfied knowing that she is doing justice to this body.

From that small conversation, Lena learned that Eva was not really pregnant. So what nonsense she was spouting when they were in that dark room was just so she could be kept alive. However, what Lena does not understand is why Madam Yang kept Eva alive?

Madam Yang was a smart and cunning woman. She would know that Eva is not pregnant. Eva must have something else against Madam Yang or Madan Yang has more use of Eva. Regardless, Lena promised herself that she will find those answers.

"Henry!" Lena hugged the man. "And this is…" Lena paused and stared at both of them. "Elizabeth Liu?"

"So Lena Shen has heard of me?" She replied.

"How could I not?" They both shook each other's hand. "You are a top movie director, and definitely the best female movie director."

"I did say you would know of her." Henry inquired.

Lena gently elbowed Henry. "Aish… I didn't know you have this in you to attract such a wonderful lady! Make sure you keep her, you won't find anyone better than her, except me of course, but I won't take you in."

"You are embarrassing me." Henry was slightly blushing red from the comments.

"I won't tease you anymore. That was just payback for all the times you had teased me. Miss. Liu, I hope we can talk business next time." Lena quickly left the two couples.

Lena spent the rest of the time walking around and chatting with several people. She got her daily gossip. She was also representing the entire Shen family here today so she had to converse with several businessmen.

She doesn't remember how many times they wanted her to meet their sons or grandsons.

It was time for opening the presents before they can eat. The family each presented their presents first then others can.

Mike Zhao presented his gift first because a few weeks ago, the Zhao family had already announced him as an official son of the Zhao family. They did not say that he was the firstborn or the next heir.

Mike Zhao walked up to Elder Zhao and kneeled down. He presented a big box for him. He opened the box.

"Grandfather, I did not know what you like, but I searched far and wide for this."

"This is... ginseng?"

"Yeah, but not just any ordinary ginseng. It is very large and old ginseng."

Mike quickly showed his present to the crowd. The ginseng was indeed bigger than most. The crowd was amazed.

"It must have cost him a lot!"

"He is such a thoughtful son!"

They continued to murmur compliments to Mike.

"I wish grandfather a happy birthday and many more years of a healthy life."

"AHAHA..... Very good, very good." Elder Zhao accepted the gift.

Because Sophia was with Mike, she also presented her gift. Her gift was an expensive French wine. Elder Zhao seemed pleased with both of them.

When it was Ming's turn, he walked up with a small box in his hand. Everyone was concerned about what was in that tiny box. Mike Zhao had presented something so grand, how can Ming present something so small?

"How can the young master Zhao gift his grandfather something so small?"

"Do you think he is too proud that he had been their only son for such a long time that he would still be favored regardlessly?"

The crowded continued to spouse some nonsense but Elder Zhao could clearly hear them. He cleared his throat loudly and everyone went silent.

Lena smiled from the crowd. 'Stupid people... a gift's value is not defined by its size but its quality.'