Pick up a random stranger

Kris was able to get a few hours of sleep on the plane. Right as the plane landed, he opened his eyes immediately and got off the plane. It looked like he did not sleep one bit at all but he did. He drove himself here so he can drive himself back home.

He knew that he should go back to the Li mansion so he can head to the Main Li mansion in the morning with his mother but he really did miss Lena. Plus, with her temptation, seeing her for one second would not kill him.

Kris knew that Lena was not at the apartment tonight so he sneakily drove to the Shen mansion as he did before. He parked his car a few blocks away, hiding it in plain sight. He walked in the night with stealth, climbed over the Shen mansion walls, and stood out front Lena's balcony.

Just like last time, he climbed his way up to the second floor and arrived at Lena's room. With his skills, he was able to unlock the balcony doors and gently slide it open. He spotted Lena sleeping soundlessly as always on the bed.