The difference between you and me

'Gra..gra....Grandmother!' Old Madam Li was startled at what Lena said but quickly composed herself.

"Well, welcome then." She replied.

Madam Li smiled at them both and pulled a chair for Lena to sit next to Kris. Madam Li sat next to Lena so that Lena was in between the mother and son.

Kris did not speak anything further nor gave Lena any attention. He kept his unemotional and steady face.

Elder Li signaled for the cook to bring out the food. They did not take much to understood his command and rushed to get the dishes out and set them on the table.

The first few minutes of the brunch was very quiet. No one spoke. Lena secretly glanced a few times to observe Elder Li. So far... the man looked like any old grandpa... but people are not always as they look like.

"So... Miss. Shen, what do you do?" Old Madam Li asked.

"Well, currently I am just helping my parents with the company."

"Helping? Are you going to take over the company soon?"