Just get married

It had been difficult to not be able to speak and express Lena's thoughts. She sighed in relief knowing that Kris was here.

Shen Mao and Elder Li looked at Kris. He walked over and greeted them.

"Good morning CEO Shen and grandfather..." Kris did not want to call the old man that, but he was putting up a face in front of Shen Mao.

Shen Mao cleared his throat. He had met with Kris Li before, but this was the first time he did not feel like he was going to die.

"I sincerely apologize for all the misunderstanding and not being able to come to visit the Shen family. We both knew that our families would rush the idea of marriage if they knew about us. Hence we kept it to ourselves for awhile. We just want to do things our own way. We are both responsible adults. We hope that both families would understand the situation."