Lady Wu

As Elder Li left, he immediately called his wife.

"How did your visit go?" Old Madam Li asked.

"There are good news and bad news. Good news is that we can go to dinner with Kris at the Shen Family house this weekend. Bad news, she's not pregnant."

"What? But the doctor's visit said that she was?"

"I don't know. I'll look into it more. How is it on your end?"

"I just got to the temple. I will go and talk to the old shrine lady."

Old Madam Li hung up the call as she got out of the car and entered the shrine. She had visited Lady Wu many times regarding the situation of the Li family.

"Welcome. Lady Wu is already expecting you." A young female worker greeted her.


The old lady rushed into the room. When she opened the door, she did not expect to see Li Bai (Madam Li) there too.

Madam Li glanced at her mother-in-law but continued to drink her tea.

"You have arrived. Sit." Lady Wu gestured toward an empty seat next to her and across from Madam Li.