Secret Affair

In the end, Tyler stayed in bed playing mobile games on his phone. He was up late last night working on a few things and today was his day off. After his brother have been trying so hard to climb up in ranks, Tyler had been laid back.

He was in the middle of a game when his doorbell rung. He ignored it until it got spammed. He grunted, tossed away his phone, and got up from the bed.

He walked over to the door and looked out the peephole.

Tyler immediately stepped back in shock and then looked into the peephole one more time.

"I know you're there. I can hear your footsteps." Lena shouted.

Tyler rubbed his eyes and then looked at the peephole for the third time. He saw Lena outside his room, holding a bag of what looked like food.

He was just lying about the dinner date... but she's here not and he won't let that chance go.

He looked pushed his hair back, put his hand over his mouth and breathed.