A couple's fallout

Lena rushed back to the Li company after Tyler gave her Milo's contact and address. 

It was Collin who greeted her when she arrived at the top floor. Collin said the meeting will end soon but Lena waited and waited in the office. It wasn't until two hours later that Kris finally entered the room. 

Kris walked into the room as he was talking with Becca.

"I want the final paperwork sent to me by early tomorrow." Kris spoke.

"Yes, CEO Li."

"And I want to personally visit the Casino the day after."

Becca nodded.

"Wednesday?" Lena stood up from the desk chair.

Kris finally glanced over and spotted Lena in the room.

"Didn't you promise already to be at the SHYNE release event with me?" Lena pointed out.

"I did?" 

"It was just yesterday night. You said you have booked that date for a few weeks now just to attend the event." Lena was a bit annoyed and it showed in her tone.