Not again.

It was only 6 in the morning when Lena's alarm went off. She groaned as she turned off the alarm, not wanting to wake up. Kris finally only stopped a few hours ago and Lena had only got a good hour of sleep.

She turned to look at the man who sleeping beside her. She was so exhausted, they did not even clean themself before going to bed. Lena could still feel sticky down below and the stench of the room strong, a result of the countless rounds they both completed.

Lena lifted the blankets off and got up from the bed. As she tried to walk, her legs went weak and she stumbled onto the ground.

"F*ck..." Lena swore. 

It was the first time that her lower body had become so weak. Was it because Kris was extra rough with her last night?

Lena blushed, remembering how much Kris was so passionate and rough with her. Men.... well, she could not blame only him, she was reluctant to stop too. She sighed.