Picture Battle

"...." Tyler got caught off guard. Is this... Kris? Wait... when did Kris start texting him....? Since the beginning? Or just now? Or... What the hell?

Tyler flexed his arm and sent a picture back with that. What he got back was another picture of what seemed to be Kris' arm. The good news this time was that theirs was similarly the same. He grinned.

Lena: R we going to flex bank accounts next?

"..." Tyler knew he would lose on that... but now he was sure it was Kris texting.

Instead, Tyler knew what to do so he can win the next round. He posed his handsome face for a selfie. Snapped and sent.

Kris saw the photo and made an ugly face. Isn't this what people call a selfie picture? 

Kris turned the camera and took a photo of himself. However, when he looked at it... he was.. let's just say it was not a very good selfie. A portion of his head was cut off and that smile... what kind of smile is that?!