Drinking buddies.

"Hot." Ming replied and then ordered some drinks for them.

When the drink came, Lena finally turned on her phone and looked at the missed calls she had. Two from her mother and the rest from Kris. 

"I'll be back. Don't start without me." Lena excused herself.

She went out into the hallway and called her mother first. Shen Milli was just worried about Lena since SHYNE has been on the news all night. She called her to tell her mother that everything was fine and not to worry.

After that, she gave Kris a call. This time, the man picked up after the first ring.

"Babe!" Kris answered.

"Oh wrong phone number, I thought this was Becca's cellphone."

"Don't you dare hang up, Lena!" Kris screamed at her.

"I was just kidding." Lena laughed. "Though, it's nice to see you so fierce once in a while."

"I didn't know she was in the room."