Surrounded by hot men.

"Lawyer Hu..." Nina smiled.

She knew that Lena had Milo Hu and Jackson Smith as her team of lawyers, but how did Connor Park from the Zhao corporation get here too? Connor has a big success rate as the other lawyers.

Nina did not think that Lena was such a cunning lady that need to have so many men around her. 'Lena must be very good in bed.... it will only be soon when I will expose her.' Nina showed no fear of the three men.

"I didn't think Miss. Shen that many lawyers to defend her? Doesn't that only show how much she is using money and power to win this case?" A reporter pointed out.

"Money..? Power...?" Milo laughed. "I don't even represent the Shen company. I am an independent and private lawyer... it takes more than just money and power to get me into a stupid case like this. Anyone with good eyes can see who is duping who." 

"shouldn't you leave that for the court to decide?" Nina interrupted him.