Something bad happened

Kris looked at his mischievous girl.

"You're getting bolder and bolder. Have I spoiled you too much? Maybe I need to keep you on a tighter leash." Kris smiles. 

He turned his body so that he was blocking all the water from the shower. He wrapped his arms around Lena and pulled her in for a kiss.

One of his hands made it down to her buttocks. He gave it a soft squeeze. Lena gasped from the sudden grab.

Kris instantly stuck his tongue inside her mouth, claiming this pretty mouth entirely as his. They parted their mouths slightly, tongue out and twirling around each other. Then, they slammed their lips together again... and on and off sensational kiss until they were satisfied.

Kris looked at Lena with soft serene eyes. He then turned around, grabbed the shampoo and started washing Lena's hair.

Lena was a bit surprised.

"What?" Kris continued to wash her hair and she closed her eyes.