Fight Dirty with Dirty.

"How are you going to deal with her now?" The man asked. "If you keep it too long, she might even do something worse."

"You're right. But somehow... I just think it's a little bit... too easy. Especially for someone like Becca who has done it multiple times." Kris pondered. "Keep doing your thing... I'll take care of things regarding Becca."

"Yes, Boss...."

"Good. And Milo..." Kris looked out the window. "Finish off that lawyer too while you are at it. I don't want to see her walking around throwing her authority again."

"Absolutely. The case is still a slam dunk even without the witness. I won't fail you again, boss." 

Kris hung up te call and walked back to sit on the sofa as he waited for Lena to return. When she came back, she brough them some breakfast from the hospital cafeteria.

"I know it's not the best... But just a bit for the morning." Lena handed Kris his plate of food. "His parents will be flying and get here by tonight."