You were a dream.

=== Present ===

Lena was hugging Kris very tight as if she was not going to let anything separate them. At that moment, she doesn't know anything anymore. She did not care if this was a dream or reality, if she was dead or not, or if she was crazy and making a mess on Kris.

The only thing that mattered right now... was the presence of this man in front of her.

"Are you real...?" Lena cried.

"Yes... I am  very-- AH!" Kris flinched from the unexpected bite. 

After that, Lena did a weird laugh while crying. "You're real... ahahaha."

"...." Kris was very worried... What did Lena dream about? "Do you want to bite again? Or slap?"

"No...." Lena sniffed, trying to stop crying now. "Just... stay."

"Okay." Kris caressed her head and kissed the top of it. "I'll stay here as long as you want."

As he was still holding Lena tightly in his arms, he saw that K12 slightly opened the door and mouthed, "Doctor."