Leave it to me.

When they reached home, they both went to Lena's apartment. Lena sat on her sofa while Kris reheated the food. He wanted Lena to eat something before she went back to bed.

Lena yawned several times. She was getting really sleepy but Kris was right, she needed to eat something before sleeping again.

"About the case, leave it me, I can handle it for you."

Lena had a spoonful of rice in her mouth. She looked at Kris for a dumb second and then her mind exploded. For her... it's been like months but for everyone else, it had just been a few hours.

Of course, she forgot about the case... her mind was only thinking of Kris.

She quickly chewed the rice and swallowed it. "It's fine. I can deal with it. It's very small, and you're busy."

"I am busy... and it is small, that's why I can take care of it. I wouldn't be CEO Li if I can't take care of you and this. Beside, doc said nothing stressful for you."

"This isn't stressful."